*** MegaTrucker - Austar/Foxtel no longer on air. Favorite by far and the best looking trucks in Australia ***
The Checkout - ABC Thursday's 8pm
The Last Leg - ABC Waiting for new season (3) can be watched on iview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUsDWRgLKEM Shaun Micallef Mad as hell - ABC Wednesday's 8pm
Who's been sleeping in my house - ABC Friday's 8pm
Highway Thru Hell - Austar waiting for new season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh_Pc0SFoz8 Game of Thrones - Season 3. Download for family member I dont watch it but apparently everyone says it's good.
Dirty Jobs - Austar/Foxtel Discovery Channel. Great show.
House Of Cards - Austar/Foxtel starts May 7 at 8:30pm Showcase.
Wheeler Dealer Trading Up - Austar/Foxtel Discovery
Morning all, Busy day already, 2 loads of washing done and the bath room cleaned. Now watering the garden. Have a good day people. Thank f*#k it's friday.