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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. Nodoz nah I just have a power nap 30min to hour.
  2. Looks good but for the snails not keen on the idea. Have fun!!
  3. morning WP, Corzza and morning all. How loves Fridays? ME!!!
  4. Spoke to a mate his a plumber and he told me solar is ok but not what everyone thinks. Works fine through the day but on overcast days and at night if the water isn't up to temp the thermostat kicks in and that's when the cost start going up without people realising why. He said the best why is continuous flow cost affective and cheaper to run. You have instant, Made my mind up continuous flow it is. Just hope my system last another month so I can get it after tax time. Afternoon all, had a good day?
  5. My thermostat won't reset so I cant getting the pilot light to stay on and then so I cant turn the thermostat controller up. Mine 10 years old now so im guessing its time for a new one. You can almost pick when there going to F@#K up these days. Just need it to last another month so I can get my Tax done so I can buy a new one. Looking at a solar or a continuous flow this time Morning all raining here
  6. Bloody hot water system I hate you, just work ya!!
  7. bloody hot water system why wont you start up again. Gas pilot light went out and now cant get it going..............
  8. I love my manual cars but the ZF is by far best suited for the T. It comes down to what you really want at the end of the end, the choice is yours. Good luck!!
  9. I would have to say PS4. Always been a fan of PS plus haven't really had a chance to play Xbox.
  10. The joy when I picked mine up and even today the car still bring a smile. No money I see why you have some good plans lined up, cant wait to see them. Nice colour too
  11. Welcome back mate and welcome to the G6ET club. Now to become a full member I need full name address and banking details including pin........... I was also with for about 2 years and once you step back into a new T you feel like a little kid again. Looks good guys looking forward to seeing the progress. Hope you both enjoy your new beats.
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