Harry's M&G Friday 28/06 Hi everyone a M&G at Harry's Liverpool is set for the 28this back on the cards, YA!! Catch up have a chinwag, grab some dinner, take some pics, kick a tyre......... I'll show you my engine bay if you show me yours. Location - Harry's Liverpool. Date - Friday 28th. Time - 7:30pm *** Wollongong people meet up at Shell Service Station at Albion Park Rail opposite Macca's at 6pm for a 630pm departure. Going.......... 1 - Angel#3 2 - Vevapower 3 - wombatG6ET 4 - fatz_f6_typhoon 5 - willo88 6 - rednose 7 - o2sucka +1 8 - spook 9 - stevanford 10 - I Jet 11 - XRGASM Maybe............ 1 -