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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. Where's that from and what is it Tab?
  2. ^^^ yep what Corzza said. Not looking down here corzza I think late afternoon and we'll get the rain.
  3. you win. Its about 10 here this morning
  4. Drew and Mitch hope the site is up to your expectation, there is a lot of reading to do, enjoy your stay.
  5. ^^ yeah and up the price catch ya tomorrow
  6. I wold have to agree with buff. Mid 300's is a good safe number not only for the streets but also on the car. Best of luck mate hope all goes well
  7. Once again Paul very nice times mate. So cant wait, tax time cant come quick enough so I can pay.
  8. My old supervisor had meetings with us and ask us heaps of questions like what we would to do, what's your aim. Each year I told the same thing. I've been there for 10 years now.
  9. Whats the magic number your looking for mate.
  10. Sounds like fun. All though I'd play with the employees heads before starting the reviews. Can you do that these days? If no one pulled there weight I'll take there job. plus travel and car........lol
  11. oh man did even make the list. Hope the car sell corzza looks neat mate.
  12. Humourous milkshake or frozen icy
  13. Mars Bar Slice Facebook or twitter
  14. Oops my bad misread the post, though it said last episode. As you were dags
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