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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. Morning all Can start counting down the days till holidays..............fark yeah.
  2. Letter sent they have 7 days to reply.
  3. glad you know what you're doing. So sound like it should be, nice work Keith
  4. Well just done a draft copyright infringement getting ready to send to local sporting club.
  5. funny bugger!! Well it did work once upon a time and yes as a photographer one that didn't get paid for work (but will from now on) I need everything to be FREE. Still do until I get cash flow. Howdy Keith. @MattyP good news mate oh the classic ford bushes. At least it's on the road.
  6. House: Starting to think I would be better off living in the caravan. Wife: Mine lives on facebook/instagram/snapchat and what ever else does sweet F.A. At least I get quite time.
  7. I do but that 5hit photobucket site wont let me 3rd party share now, so can't share.
  8. a productive day, 7:30am beach home just after 9am mate came over 10ish and he helped my making some outdoor stair near the pool. So needed it. All done around 12:30 just in time for lunch and a beer. Good times
  9. oh dear, dogs fed well that night. I'm looking for powered. When away power is paid for so why not use there's.
  10. When away in the van they only way to eat is like a king. I'm think of getting a medium size spit. hmmmm can taste the food already
  11. Sounds like Matty's in love again............nice mate did send it back to Joe's? Morning have a good weekend people
  12. Howdy all, as most of you know that my house is sh*t. After contacting my lawyer and after yet another inspection which has taken forever we have got the final report back. An estimated cost to fix the house has came back at 80K, just the house doesn't take into consideration other costs like over contract, etc etc. I have also reported the certifier to the Builders Professional Boards who has taken on the case and are investigating the certifier. It also doesn't look good for them with so many fark ups on the house. Since moving in the only thing I have done is turf the front and put in a garden near the garage. Looks ok down side it hasn't rained since I laid the grass 3 months ago. Fighting a losing battle but watering it 4x a week. I'm still happy to leave this house and move on, HATE THE PLACE!!
  13. WTF............Days of. Im farked Days off. My bad
  14. Just do it. I've finally got some at the end of the month into OCT. It was meant to be for just over 3 weeks but as normal they cut me back again now only have 10 days. Well it's better than nothing. Heading 4hrs down the coast in the van cant bloody wait.
  15. Happy Fathers Day to all our awesome forum and none forum dads.............we rock!!
  16. LMFAO........... gotta love the 80's when you could pretty much do anything. I dont want to lose you tonight...........
  17. Howdy Keith, the weekend is near and so is spring. Love Magpie season. LMFAS............ The eyes dont work!! Its an oldie but a goodie
  18. Totally agree. Will need to email/speak to Club President first might be able to come to an agreement. As the owner and trying to make a name for myself will have to very professional about otherwise I wont get any work. Cost is very reasonable but when you take it without paying or asking price goes UP, a lot. For those photo's that have been cropped it's even more again. So what could have been a few hundred could be more into the thousands now.
  19. Thanks Puff currently reading through some info now. Would have to some homework before sending anything. Just pisses me right off how they think they can do what ever they want. It's just cost me 7k in all new camera gear for what. MOFO's!!
  20. Finding that people and local clubs are using my photo's to promote their club or their child without asking me to use my photo's. Photo's are crop so watermark is taken away. Think it's time to send my bill. Don't pay I'll pass it onto me lawyer. EDIT= just counted one club only has taken 50 photo's.
  21. morning!! nothing like a night cap after a hard night shift.
  22. Holly crap @Rab that's a great sleep. Wife woke up at 9am my girl woke up about 9:30am and my son just after 10am...........me 6:30am.
  23. You're still our I.T GOD Keithy.........Mr Site Developer
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