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  1. Well I completed my claim last night not my fault so dont have anything to worry about. As for how bad the damage is I should find out in a day or so for them to assess it. The tray was pushed into the cab pretty bad it shattered the quarter window. When I was at the assessors yesterday he didnt think there was any chassis damage just needs a new tray and the cab repaired. But will have to wait to find out just how bad. Troy
  2. Thanks He was doing about 60 or so. I saw him coming I knew he wasnt going to stop just tried to brace myself. I only got it at christmas and whats worse I only washed it yesterday. just hope I get it back as good as new. Troy
  3. yeah its in at the assessor at the moment wont know how bad for a few days yet. Troy
  4. Hi Everyone Thought id share some pics of my F6. Just wish I had done it when it looked a little better. Damage courtesy of RAV 4 earlier today. Troy
  5. Hi turtle that's price seems pretty good for bf2 I picked up a bf1 runout auto 19's fpv wheel $50000 drive away with abn Troy
  6. Dowloaded it on bt so saw the last ep weeks ago couldnt be bothered waiting. Wasnt to bad. Troy
  7. Hi Currently have a 05 fz6 not a bad commuter. They way sydney traffic is you need something to try and beat it. Troy
  8. Hi xrturb Im in marrickville with a stock 6 speed ute if this helps pm me to arrange something if still having no luck Troy
  9. Self employed printing industry the ute is a good work horse
  10. micksta just had mine in 3k ckeck up today I had a similar problem on passenger side the guy at ford said it was the bush in the leaf spring he greased it up sounds ok for now
  11. ring aami full biz insurance no under 30 drivers sydney metro $1344/ yr
  12. got my mk2 ute a few week ago 6spd prestige sound momo wheel $41500 drive away just go to a dealer tell him what you want and do best price he will do it if he wants a sale
  13. AWC have them in carbon fibre for $1320 including new gas struts
  14. thanks I will check it out troy
  15. Does anyone know of a place in sydney that sells XR8 bonnets and GT front bumpers for sale after market or genuine
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