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  1. Sounds like my problem are you getting stuttering ? So my car is booked in friday but ive been driving it, must have damaged the valves pretty bad Getting some quiet crackling noise, anyone know if would it go away after changing the valve's and springs ??
  2. Yea cheers fellas spring valves are a big job, making sure of it
  3. Im thinkin maybe injectors or fuel pump.. Maybe fuel pump isnt delivering enough fuel during high boost/rpm :/ Doesnt explain the rough idle after boosting
  4. Hii I was looking at purchasing the kwp2000 plus, its suggested on sevral forums and Sales websites its compatible with ford ecu, able to diagnose, and reprogram the ecu, I wasnt too sure about it, I could believe it will diagnoise ecu errors cant see it being able to reprogram?? Anyone use one? Or have any experience with similar products they can suggest ?? Here is the a link http://www.kwp2000.info/ Cheers!
  5. hii im having an issue with my ba xr6 turbo, during low boost the car boosts fine, when boost is higher there is a loss in in power, and it stutters, like there isnt enough fuel going to the engine, boost cuts than back in real quick after boosting for a long period sometimes the engine idle gets real rough for a minute or two than goes back to normal, when its rough idle it seems like all the cylinders aren't firing up, I thought the problem may be todo with spark plug coil leads etcc.. but it only ever EVER does it after long period of high boost.. im thinking it might be valve springs?? any other suggestions??? cheers FORD LOVERS
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