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Everything posted by BenDoCo

  1. I'll allow the first reference to me but the second isn't correct My brother did (about 20 years ago) [emoji383] [emoji383] [emoji184]
  2. Had the pleasure of driving a friends SS Wagon again the other night as we all decided to go down the local park and let off the fireworks instead of doing it in the backyard. As most of you would remember, I have driven this commy a few times but in the past but its just been me in the car before but on nye there was me and 4 woman with me (I took the ss coz my car doesn't like 5 people in it even on ssl springs - plussss it has a few problems [emoji6] ). Johns car is the first of the VF SS models and loaded up with people it is very comfy on the road....... great suspension in the wagon. So me, being me, decided to floor it - you know, show off to the girls and all that - all the girls were squealing and laughing and having a great time while I had my foot flat but I was sooooooooo friggen bored. I can't believe how slow a big chev v8 is. I guess what I'm getting at here is Just put a tt kit on yours Jet and stop being a farken *beep* [emoji23] [emoji106] You know Dani wants it so happy wife...........................
  3. These ones look OK.....only 7cm lift though http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GENUINE-CUSCO-low-profile-car-tyre-tire-slopes-ramps-jack-stand-lowered-PAIR-/252196526212?hash=item3ab8159884:g:FKoAAOSwYHxWOv6D
  4. That page doesn't give me any details :( Post a pic once it's cooked Rab coz I haven't eaten anything since 4pm yesterday and I'm not hungry at all **
  5. My rpm cut has been set for 7000 (I think) Pete
  6. Next you'll be trying to tell me that this isn't real www.netflix.com/title/70011195 Shame shame shame
  7. Youtube = winner.. Cheers for that Coz of my driving style (when I'm 'on it'), I've been told that this should be my next upgrade so I'll get what needs to be sorted right now done and then I'll talk to the fagboi retard about fitting a new pump. A bit worried about the 58-5900 rpm bit he speaks of in the video coz I see more than that - on occasions hehe - so I might put the video here for others
  8. Prob the only thing that still works there from what he's told me about the place Wilko
  9. What mine do you work at Dan? Reason I ask is coz the nieces husband has same job on Barrow
  10. Yeah I understand about the gear Jet but what about the pump/plate thing it's attached too?
  11. What's the difference between the ford and atomic pumps? Is there a thread somewhere I could have a read of maybe?
  12. It's not often I'd ever agree with one of Keifs opinions but I do right now
  13. WTF????? I haven't seen it yet How about a spoiler alert warning Give yourself 25% [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]
  14. that obviously went over your head [emoji6]
  15. All I'm hearing Keif is you making soup [emoji23]
  16. BenDoCo

    New Members Thread

    lolololol I can't believe you actually shared that D hahaha
  17. Yep it's called Frankston [emoji23]
  18. BenDoCo

    New Members Thread

    Why don't you share with everyone what the very first ting was that Jet said to you Fluff.............. sooooooo romantic [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] On second thoughts - DON'T [emoji6]
  19. Shut Up!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ :( Yeah Bomber......go the GTX. go go go
  20. If you knew my kid..........................
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