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Everything posted by BenDoCo

  1. So you're getting........................................................................................shutting up now Hi Biz [emoji97]
  2. Yeah I can understand that. Worried about the black headlights though coz have read people ( that have changed them ) saying they wish the didn't.
  3. BenDoCo

    In The Club

    375 front and 370 rear was my standard height Bomber. Now you have brought this up, I (think) I noticed mine sitting on an angle a coupla times in the past few weeks so I might re-measure mine. I'll pm you tomorrow arvo about startup noises
  4. You use a tissue stubbie ??????? ya wouldn't want to use one of those black lights (or whatever they are) in my house [emoji33]
  5. They're open at the front (aren't they?) so just take the lid off. Depending on hand size, may have to take the pod out
  6. ^^ this MTQ do a universal bracket for the actuator ($18 I think) and this is 'supposed' to stand the turbo up straight so your silicon joiner will go on no probs
  7. So when's the funeral for this thread?
  8. I'll just leave this here Angel http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/feedback.aspx
  9. hehehehe coz women should stay in the kitchen..... like it centurion -- like it (Life of Brian for the uneducated)
  10. Not using the gopro Rab coz I might drop it in ........ It's like having another baby hey Fluff
  11. ^^ help us out........what do they say ( in a nutshell ) coz questions alone these lines have been asked since I became a member.
  12. ^^ farken lol Never happy are you Actually freeze, you may be able to help with this problem. I've done a big poo but my tummy still hurts............suggestions?
  13. If everyone kept there car 'stock' in this country, do you know how much money would be taken out of circulation? Probably more than the CBA posted as a profit today therefore as long as you're not acting like a goose, cracking shop windows as you drive past, going tutututututu (you know - Habib style) or have fuel pumping out of the exhaust then chances are that you'll be fine when it comes to the 5-0 and emissions. But, as I said before - and I'll post it up later tonight if it's needed - the rules (in SA) say you can't increase boost and the suspicion of this being done to a vehicle is all a cop needs to send a car for an emissions test - at your expense. Didn't / doesn't Nizpoo do a mod kit that is guarantee will meet or beat emissions?
  14. I was feeling a bit crook all afternoon but feel soooo much better now........I vote that you leave the pod filter like that. Poor old Rapid....no wonder he went out of business if he didn't include 'basic' instructions. Take your time mate .. no use getting angry (loved the comment btw Tex). Check pics of other bf engine bays and sooner or later, the jigsaw will come together. Back to laying down for me coz I reckon I'm gunna be sick (hehe - gunna)
  15. I run a 36 offset on my 18/9.5 Seaton and looking at the pic the walls seem fairly straight.......I will put these tyres on the list of ones to try in the future Thanks for the info
  16. Xr6t4me In SA, you are not allowed to change the boost from that set by the manufacturer and what's one of the first things that's changed when a car is tuned? Have heard of more than a few skylines getting defected coz the dumbfark owner brags to the cop about how much boost he's smashing into it.............lol
  17. Buy another dyno would ya farken ----------- Good explanation that. Even I understood (most of) it. Cheers
  18. Sux to be you Shrekus Oh and Happy b'day for yesterday Angel
  19. After reading of Steves ocd problems, I think I might have to redo the left side one. Going back and looking at the pics is making me feel weird. :(
  20. Holly crap Well done I'm sure someone posted a pic of your car on insta the other day......might have to go look for it
  21. Will the guy that wants to move in with you throw you a wristy? These are all important questions..............
  22. Do you trust him fairly well? Easier NOT to move or You may like listening to the other bloke going at it with his mrs. I know which I'd choose
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