crash---crash---crash goes my PC, bang--bang--bang goes my head
really not wanting to ditch my beloved GTX 690, I had one more test to see if it wasn't the PCiIe slot in the MOBO that was cactus
because of hard pipe water cooling I had to drain the system and make a couple of new tubes so I could shift the card down a couple of slots
I did have a spare video card plugged in there and it was running without a problem.
plugged the spare video card into the suspect slot - - - - - - - - -and it worked perfectly
plugged the monitor into the GTX 690 - - - - - - - - - - - nothing,won't even post anymore
for the observant types, yes I did have the power plugged into the card
so I have this coming, hopefully be here Friday
didn't have the cash for the Ti, but I'm sure this will provide me with hours of fun