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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. bloody hell Puffster 2:08 is damn fast I need to knock 5 seconds off my time just to be even Challenge accepted
  2. that's your opinion they're a bit like assholes, everyone's got one
  3. Several things made me feel good today [emoji3] Friday, Friday always makes me feel good. Got an email from the council letting me know that the proposed 8 story building down the end of my street has been declined. Going to the vet to buy a bag of dry food for my cat and getting an extra one for free ($63 worth) Boosting out of the vet and onto the highway and just enjoying the sounds of my car as it changes gear @ WOT [emoji3]
  4. ever wonder WTF is happening to our great country???????? the politically correct Govt crowd say this, check step 20 BANKING AND MONEY STEP 1: National governments will relinquish control of their money, float their currency, and remove all controls over the flow of money into and out of the country. STEP 2: National government will continue the practice of borrowing from the international bankers to finance their affairs. STEP 3: National governments will depend on international investment for all future development. STEP 4: National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of their banks and financial institutions by Transnational corporations and global investors. STEP 5: National governments will wind back spending on welfare and social programs, including education and health. INDUSTRIES STEP 6: National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of their industries, and business by Transnational corporations (TNCs) and global investors. STEP 7: National governments will remove all impediments to the activities of TNCs and global investors in exploiting their resources including human resources. STEP 8: National governments will abolish all measures, including exemptions under Trade Practices legislation, which protect or assist small/medium sized nationally-owned business. STEP 9: National governments will abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for local industries. LABOUR STEP 10: National governments will dis-empower unions, abolish wage fixation, and allow their labour forces to compete in an unregulated global labour market. PUBLIC UTILITIES STEP 11: National governments will sell all publicly-owned government-run enterprises and public utilities to TNCs and global investors. FARMING STEP 12: National governments will ensure international (not national) ownership of farms by Transnational agribusiness corporations (TNCs) and global investors. STEP 13: National governments will adopt policies of producing for export, and importing for local consumption. STEP 14: National governments will abolish all forms of protection (tariffs, import restrictions, subsidies) for locally-owned farms. STEP 15: National governments will enter into agreements with international bodies which hand over ownership and control of their countries' natural resources. SOCIAL STEP 16: National governments will sign multilateral treaties at the United Nations which surrender their political and legal sovereignty. STEP 17: National governments will adopt policies of 'regionalism' and 'multiculturalism', and other policies which will eventually eliminate national borders, culture, and identity, and create global citizens. STEP 18: National governments will agree to implement globally determined environmental, social and cultural programs in their country. POLITICAL STEP 19: National governments will wind back their national armed forces to levels sufficient only to subdue their own people and participate in 'global peacekeeping' activities as required by the UN. STEP 20: National governments will disarm their own citizens so there can be no armed resistance to globalisation. STEP 21: National governments will maintain a working relationship with their local media who will divert attention from these developments until they are too far progressed to be reversed. STEP 22: National governments will agree to ultimately surrender their own sovereignty and take direction from the World Government.
  5. its a bit like guns, they don't want you to have them either
  6. Bloody hell, I've got 20 years on you@JETURBO I could be your dad [emoji39]
  7. I used to have a whole bunch of Dire Straits on Vinyl [emoji3]
  8. don't worry, it will come, just like gay marriage
  9. I love the wet season free water for a start water out of the tap used to be free here infrastructure to collect it and get it to my door was paid for with my rates now we are made to believe water is some sort of expensive commodity, and yet they acquire it for free! next thing you know they will be taxing us for the air we breathe oh, hang on, --- they do, ------ carbon tax
  10. does it come with the signed Casey Stoner picture?
  11. correct me if I'm wrong It comes with it's own dirt bike track? Awesome house/ shed / entertaining area only one thing I would have to change all of that security mesh would have to be replaced with crimsafe or similar
  12. 2 hours to break into your own garage? you need to speak to a friendly locksmith who can give you a few pointers
  13. we would normally loose power for 2 to 3 days after a cyclone having a generator is just so much peace of mind don't have to worry about food spoiling, pool going green or not getting my internet/gaming fix also get brownie points with neighbor when I run a lead over to her house for her fridge/freezer
  14. I have a 2 KVA Honda generator that plugs straight into the house with a switch mains/generator I had put in when we did our house reno we lose power up here on a semi regular basis more so in the wet season with cyclones and such I can run everything in the house except any air con units
  15. maybe becoming more frequent as they close down another power station
  16. that was just a crap "string" hammock Tioman Island (Malaysia) circa 1991 a lifetime ago
  17. bought a king size pocket spring mattress with a soft "plush" top for around $1800 a few years ago first nights sleep was like "why didn't we buy one of these years ago?" Pocket spring is awesome, other person moves and you can't feel a thing plush top is like floating on air
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