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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. You mustn't have drunk tequila then
  2. I would say yes, but that would probably get me in trouble
  3. They have special powers? [emoji1787]
  4. My brother in-law died many years ago now My sister related an incident that took place in the hospital when he was in palliative care. She described it as very disturbing, bordering on frightening, not quite terrifying. Her husband described strange looking beings on the ceiling looking down at them. Now before you tell me it was the drugs he was on giving him hallucinations, he was virtually drug free, only on very mild pain killers, he had an extremely high pain threshold (BTW, had stomach cancer) She told me that everytime they "appeared" about 30 seconds before her husband would tell her they were back, the room would become alot colder to the extent she would look up to the ceiling whenever it cooled and could make out dark shapes in the corners of the room.
  5. I believe in many things, ghosts being one of them
  6. http://www.cracked.com/article_24565_hard-truth-time-monopoly-guy-never-had-monocle.html
  7. It's all a load of sh*t Next thing you'll be telling us that the world is flat Group miss-perception doesn't support truth this explains a little about peoples perceived memory's and actual reality in relation to Dolly's braces
  8. yeah nah mate old mate wasn't smiling at her teeth, he was getting a big old eye full of boobs
  9. bloody hell Fluff, povo pac what happened to Soundbar Magic ?
  10. I think triffid's are bad..............................................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. There is a triffid growing in my garden
  12. WPMO Dickheads who slow down to a crawl when it starts to rain hard (in the fast lane) Don't get me wrong, you do need to slow down a lot in a tropical down pour, but pull into the left lane and let the other 90% of drivers through ie: there is always 10% of drivers who really phuck it up and make the road extremely dangerous for everyone else
  13. Yeah, I've lusted after a pair for years as well,......... oh .......oh, hang on, you ment speakers [emoji1787]
  14. I can now understand a bit better why you have so many headphones it's pretty cool stuff im intrigued
  15. that's pretty cool do you have binaural recordings?
  16. what about The Realiser A16 ???
  17. I think you got ripped https://www.themasterswitch.com/best-dacs
  18. I think you need to come clean with your addiction
  19. You've got headphones [emoji1787]
  20. They say it's the simple things in life that bring happiness [emoji3] Bought new wiper blades for the car yesterday. Drive to work this morning in the rain Grinning cos I can see where I'm going [emoji1787]
  21. From observation, it's only the RAM that actually feels overly warm to the touch Other people have done the same mod with no bad side effects or cooked components crappy soldering job but it'll do [emoji1787]
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