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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. prime candidate for the left wing
  2. it's been around for a long time Kittens
  3. Bautista wasn't the slowest 5th in 2012 6th in 2013 12th spot for 2018 season
  4. opposite here, cool week in the low 30's and probably lots of this
  5. Gotta love that sugar and artificial flavours Beer German, not French
  6. Mrs BCB lol at that^^^ She drunk that when she was 15 Fruity Gordo goonbag Bosses wife has been supplying Zooper doopers at work while it's been hot Hope you didn't use a sour one 🤣
  7. My bad Should have read Champagne you bunch of ohmos [emoji1787]
  8. @Rab, Bought Mrs BCB some new headphones Got her to listen to the virtual barber shop Twice she screamed and pulled the headphones off Lol
  9. same same here @arronm, have Moto GP but not WSBK its on foxtel
  10. you can save alot of cash if you forgo the need to weld aluminium a DC welder only, is less than half the price of an AC/DC welder I have been using THIS welder for 5 years now it is all plastic, but still pretty tough (not as tough as a steel case) It comes with gas regulator and a small box of tungstens, ceramic shrouds etc mine is used mon to fri at least 4 hours a day some days it gets used for 9.5 hours the only "extras" you would need are gas, welding wire, helmet and gloves don't try to save money on a welding helmet though I have had this helmet for over 8 years now, just replaced the head harness for the second time still works like a dream
  11. Hip Hip Horay, @k31th's special day this day will be the day that marks a pivotal moment in his life in years to come he will be able to point to this day, 23rd of February 2019, as the day he realized that he truly trusted, the soon to become Mrs Hampsternator ❤️ I hope I get an invite
  12. we are the carriers............................
  13. I am flattered that I get a personal mention
  14. don't make it impossible for him
  15. sorry Kittens, I know you identify as a woman my apology's
  16. you're not gunna play the Jesus card again are you Fluff?
  17. 3 beers in and I was just cranking it up
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