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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. Home schooling is the only option Fluff If you send your kids into the state controlled system (religious schools included) they will become indoctrinated by the left wing and become part of the problem
  2. If you look deeper into the "big picture" There is a massive push for a one world government. Brexit will fail The UK is not allowed to disconnect from the fledgling new world order A world without borders and without individual sovereignty of nations The constant rhetoric is changing the way we think Calling country's "states" is an example of this change Mass immigration is forcing the change This push has been going on for decades George Sorrows is a huge supporter and financier just to name one
  3. Good observations Fluff and Jet The leftist media (which is all we basically have here in Australia and the world) will convince everyone that the right wing extremists are to blame
  4. Keith is not online............. I have 2 posts here that didn't merge posted only 1 minute apart......... Bloody hampstanator
  5. That link says nothing about posting timeframes There is no "edit" button when using Tapatalk See
  6. True dat bra 😎 Yummy milk in SA
  7. What happened there @k31th My post is stuck in edit And maybe this on 2 Still stuck Still stuck I've had enough of the nasty admihamster I'm going to bed 😭
  8. Did lol hard 😂 Sidetracked cos talking with my niece in WA She wants to buy a clubby Hard to slap her over the phone
  9. Also, sky's not blue There are many shades of grey
  10. liar You sleep like everyone else bro
  11. What is the timeline for a post not to merge?
  12. It only happens when you are online
  13. I suppose it was inevitable 😱 inevitable that after over 1000 posts in a couple of months that we would have some common ground 😂 Stop merging posts Keith 😠
  14. This will be a lengthy process which would probably not end well The thing that is really beginning to weird me out though I'm starting to like pussy boy 🤣
  15. What this world needs is another crusade [emoji1787]
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