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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. just googled lupus faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark
  2. Nothing like a bit of leather against the skin [emoji39]
  3. Hip hip hooray, hip happy Tuesday [emoji1787]
  4. same same bra I haven't ridden my bike since before Christmas looking at my last bike riding post..................25th November think I better go for a ride this weekend got 4 days to do it
  5. He did well in Q1 Chain fell off in race [emoji3525]
  6. Mrs BCB informed me that they were filming the today show on the beach
  7. Mrs BCB saw Jon Stevens on the beach at Palm Cove today I was like, who is that? Was in Noiseworks and also did a stint as lead singer in INXS Here's a classic oldie
  8. Wrong again https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/believing-bull/201109/you-can-prove-negative%3famp
  9. I was generalising about public schools Just as Fluff was And there you go with such an awesome question Please enlighten me Keefy, are you saying that there's religious schools?????? Who would have thought What's the world coming to
  10. Your kids WILL be taught that they are ghey Omo dick suckers and encouraged to be one At the same time they WILL be actively discouraged from believing in a creator or any form of higher power Unless of course it's demonic, that's encouraged as well Just take Halloween for example
  11. Movie made me tear up But I'm probably a bit ghey
  12. All you pussy lovers need to watch this movie True story
  13. yeah nah mate it's just his roof that's made of gold cos he hates solar and is trying to reflect the sun back at itself
  14. looks like it's still shoulder length, or is that cos of hoodie
  15. 10 out of 10 for ScoMo calling those vegan wankers "green collared criminals"
  16. I only have 1 TB of stuff at the moment Got 2 four TB drives so that should last me for a couple of years at least [emoji16] Do love it so far Easy one click copy to external source And simple to use Made just for people like me [emoji1787]
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