relating the above article/graphs, the "mentions in media" graph has doubled overnight from I billion to 2 billion !!!!!!!!!!!
thought I would share part of an article I found particularly interesting, while the world whips itself into a frenzy, this writer is very down to earth
"The global panic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak is breathtaking in its overreaction. Two nations quarantined. Major events cancelled in areas where there is no coronavirus! Airlines going bankrupt. Hotels vacated. Borders locked down. Stock markets plummeting. (Warren Buffett says it’s time to invest!)
One would think it is the bubonic plague, but it isn’t.
COVID-19, the virus at the heart of the global panic, is a coronavirus,
which is a flu virus.
COVID-19 is the flu.
It kills some people, mostly elderly over 70 in poor health , but it is not particularly deadly in the broad scheme of things.
The vast majority of people who contract it have flu symptoms of varying degrees and go on with their lives.
The death rate is 1-2%. (The death rate on the Diamond Princess was 1%, all over 70 years of age, and in South Korea, where statistics are candid, the fatality rate is 0.6%.)
William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, warns, “There’s a large epidemic of coronavirus anxiety”