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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. I think they got their decimal point in the wrong spot
  2. got my new handle gotta love being able to open the door from the inside
  3. yeah I know, bad BCB I always flush my motorcycle brakes on a semi regular basis, but the car must have missed out
  4. job complete old brake fluid looks a disgusting shade of black also found out what the clunking is in the rear end
  5. thank you @k31th, the puller worked like a dream and yes @JETURBO, handbrake was off as I did read up about this job and watch a few videos, cos not mechanic I even sanded the hubs and wheel so there was no rust or corrosion The lovely Mrs BCB made me some lunch, BLT sangga
  6. started my brake rotors and pads today.......................................................................................................................... decided to do front and rear one one side then turn the car around and do the other side so we can still use the garage for Mrs BCB's car as well started on the front first rotor basically fell off when I removed the caliper, so that was good sanded all the rust off the hub, fitted new rotor, cleaned the filth off the inside of my wheel cleaned the caliper, new pads in, all bolted back together nicely. then there's the rear............................................................................................................................................ looks like I'm off to work tomorrow to grab a gear puller, the rotor feels like it's welded to the hub flogged it with a big hammer, but no joy found this today on the site the hampstersonator comes through again, thanks @k31th
  7. playing video games and getting fatter I think I'd better start doing some exercise
  8. found some I can afford, what do you recon https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/4x-3D-Brembo-Style-Race-Brake-Caliper-Cover-Disc-Red-Car-Front-Rear/223946038111?epid=1590921605&hash=item3424395b5f:g:6aMAAOSwl6Rdznuj
  9. I got them from Matthew at race brakes Sydney @JETURBO put me on to them years ago good price and great advice
  10. these turned up today no rush to install, but I am excited
  11. for all you race sim fanatics out there Race Room is free to play till next Wednesday all cars all tracks https://www.raceroom.com/en/info/#free-download
  12. I did notice that my age bracket is the highest risk of death [emoji33]
  13. I know you love facts my furry little friend: In 2016 there were 1293 fatalities on Australian roads, 248 were motorcyclists
  14. exactly Arron I loved me mates son's MTO9 that I rode heaps of fun and I do love that triple through an Akrapovic exhaust (bloody loud) surprisingly easy to ride at legal speeds as well, which is a bonus yeah nah mate, that's a misconception held by tin top only drivers
  15. I've been thinking of going back to a motorcycle commute because I'm getting so sick of slow inconsiderate drivers But I need to get a cheep POS so my duck doesn't sit out in the baking sun all day long now that lane splitting is legal I won't feel so conspicuous running through town, and there is a great sense of joy as you cut up a dickhead in the right lane on the HWY holding up all the traffic and slip the clutch right beside the front passenger door as you pass to give all inside a wake up call something like this maybe it's got lots of crash thingies for when I hit things and fall off https://www.bikesales.com.au/bikes/details/2015-yamaha-mt-09/SSE-AD-6534257/?Cr=5
  16. yeah nah mate, what do these guys do at your work? I can understand my parents gen not being good with computers, but my gen would only be a willful desire not to embrace technology what sort of fones do they have, a Nokia 3310? https://www.amazon.com/Nokia-3310-3G-Unlocked-T-Mobile/dp/B075FL4H89?creativeASIN=B075FL4H89&linkCode=w50&tag=mak041-20&imprToken=xjm-p.aPmiA9sBIczl9hBg&slotNum=5
  17. yeah nah mate, bought one on ebay for $28, comes with 4 self tappers and figured exactly as you have described a bit disappointing that Ford would make it this way do they think that a plastic handle would never break? BTW, could have bought a genuine ford handle for $62 ! didn't come with any screws but
  18. It was just a thought, no need to be a nasty bit@h
  19. My answer is this (not a personal dig at you, just thinking outside the box) why has the world gone into lock-down for 100% of the people when there is statistically only 20% of the population that is really at any major risk why not isolate those that are truly vulnerable (like yourself) and the rest of us can just go on with our lives this way 80% of the population will suffer with this virus in a minor way and recover, while the elderly and sick stay out of harms way seems to me that this would be a far better solution, economy would carry on like virtually nothing had happened so reading your statement about all these selfish people, maybe you've got it all wrong and it is the elderly and the infirmed who are the selfish ones
  20. I found this so I guess I should of looked before jumping the gun https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ford-Falcon-FG-FGX-FRONT-RH-Right-Hand-Inner-Door-Handle-Chrome-BGF22600B1-FG-X/142257499132?fits=Model%3AFalcon|Plat_Gen%3AFG|Make%3AFord&hash=item211f352bfc:g:ETQAAOSwIo5awylT
  21. broke my drivers side internal door latch/opener plastic POS took off the door panel thinking that there must be access on the inside to replace said handle cos cant get to it from the outside seems like it's glued in permanently and have to get an entire door panel could someone please tell me I'm wrong all I want to do is be able to open my door without opening my window and using the external one FFS
  22. Me and Mrs BCB just went to lunch with a few friends, 2 of which were nurses. We are all going on overseas holidays! Now as we all know, nurses are very caring and compassionate people, their job dictates that they are. No hesitation for them to go on an overseas holiday They have been on the front line so to speak, both working in hospitals, they know the risks Both agree the world has gone into a caronavirus frenzy Both agree, it's just another strain of flu, this one latching to receptors in the lungs Their opinion, just calm the fu@k down everyone [emoji3]
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