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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. Yes, it does pose a problem in the middle, but on the left it is alot lower and would be similar to a triple pod gauge setup as far as blocking your view
  2. just bought an 8 inch tablet and a suction mount. Cant decide where to stick it.
  3. Got home from work to a parcel pick up notice from the post office, went down to grab it (an A4 manila envelope with do not bend written on it) good work postie A long awaited letter from W.A. Thank you xr6tman for your sticker skills.
  4. off for a lobster dinner tonight with my wife at Beach Almond, Palm Cove. should be great!
  5. Ive been off the radar twice in this life, packed in the job and headed overseas with a round the world air ticket. First time with my girlfriend, second time with same girl married. Been married 25 years tomorrow ! We went places that spins me out looking back. (traveled to 47 countries and are in the process of organizing a trip to Europe for our wedding aniversary) Ive had many jobs in 3 different country's, Ive lived in big citys and small towns, I dont have many regrets. If you are seriously considering ditching your job, I say do it, dont hesitate . If you hesitate, next thing you know you'll be up to your eyeballs in debt spending the next 15 to 20 paying off a house. Life is short, I turned 50 last year. I dont feel 50. Time accelerates as you get older, age and time seem to be linked exponentially. I seriously only feel 38 or 39, but I think that's because I dont have children (one of my regrets) Stripes, do it. Get off the radar, have a look around before your time begins to accelerate. BTW, I have my own house, an investment property and Im just a lowly blue collar worker
  6. Looks like they might be a bitch to keep clean
  7. Pissed off by dickheads who are actually doing the speed limit and see a speed camera and slam on the brakes. Look at your speedo you f@#ken wan@ers. Wouldn't it be great if everyone actually knew what they were doing on the road
  8. This is the pristine GSXR 1000 I sold to buy my G6E T But I do still have a nice ride in the shed
  9. Football (all codes) "Men on the field, gentle in the showers"
  10. I found an old bottle of turtle wax bug and tar remover, worked very well on the painted surface.
  11. maybe too late for me Rab, been there for a couple of weeks. Id better get off to the shop and buy some grease & wax remover
  12. just wondering if anyone knows of a good product to remove tire rubber from plastic and paintwork, ( that wont affect the paint )
  13. Yeah, but you need to catch them so you can implement said baton As phantom xr6t said, hope you are safe in all this wild weather, we know it all to intimately up here!
  14. I found 3 dents with chips on the front of my bonnet, like someone had thrown rocks at my car! X 2
  15. Dickheads going slow in the fast lane REALLY piss me off!!!!!! And people who slow down for a green light!!!!!!!! What the F#@k is wrong with them?
  16. At the workshop today I found myself in a irisistable position, my work college ( ss Late model camira owner) was watching as I departed, so , brake, accelerator, wheelspin!, all I can say is, man these achilles tyres sure put out allot of smoke, the whole workshop filled up with smoke and then some!!!
  17. WOW, read the entire thread! now I don't know what to do, put a new filter in, throw out old filter and run without one, or put in an after market earl jobbie
  18. where would the stock one be located masda ????
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