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Everything posted by bloodycrashboy

  1. Same, Same but different I change every 7,500, only run 98, but intervals are 17 to 18 weeks
  2. very funny K31th, white was the only other consideration
  3. the recommended time for a leak test is a couple of hours. So just mucking around with the red led's and checking out my new red cables. I'll buy some red engine coolant and add this tomorrow for color. Then finally I'll have my PC back and into some gaming
  4. Had a win finally. Ordered some more acrylic tube on Monday, arrived at work lunch time today [emoji39] And managed to only stuff one bend this time. So here it is Also bought some red cabling So I'm off down to Coles to buy some distilled water so I can run a leak test. Getting very excited [emoji3]
  5. ^ just the sort of competition everyone wants to win
  6. This, this always makes me feel good (even if it is shaped like a Chevy badge)
  7. and the crane was for lifting a....................................................................
  8. so.......... I watched a you tube video about bending acrylic tubing, and he said buy twice as much as you need if you are a first timer. Guess how much dumbo here ordered, you guessed it, not enough! Basically the you tube guy was exactly right, I got half of the job done before I ran out of tube. So looks like I wont be finishing off the build for at least another week. Anyway, here is a couple of picks of my first venture into the frustrating world of acrylic tube bending. The mistakes were many I think I will have to replace the ones that do fit cos OCD
  9. ^bugger I did hate Telstra with a passion, tried other isp's for a few years, then eventually went back to them mainly for their mobile coverage. This year has finally been a win for me with them. Changed my foxtel account to them, used to pay $65 a month for standard deff entertainment+sport. Now pay $55 per month for High Deff + record-able box, entertainment +sport HD Also used to pay $44 per month for mobile, 1 GB data + unlimited calls & sms & mms. Now pay $40 per month for 7 GD data + $1000 calls + unlimited sms & mms.
  10. I'm pretty happy with the Motorola G4 plus [emoji3] Cheep @ $380
  11. yes, but next time I'm buying direct from Alphacool Germany. Prices are a little less and you do have to order a minimum $150 AUD, but postage is only $8 to the door
  12. The reservoir came as you see it. the tubes are blanked off at the end and have holes around the sides of the end. they call it the "light tower effect" go to 3:30 minutes on this video and you will see. Personally I like it because you can see water flowing without the need of a flow indicator
  13. when I lived in Melbourne, late 80's early 90's, I worked a second job as a pizza delivery driver for Totos Pizza, Burgundy street, Heidelberg. There was "athletes village" built for the 1956 Olympics in West Heidelberg. The pizza delivery drivers referred to it as "The Bronx" It was not a very friendly place after dark. I remember one particular delivery there, banging hard on the door cos so much noise coming from inside. someone screaming at the top of their lungs, "what do you fu@ken want" Door swung open, met by 6'6 angry male, "oh pizza guy, sweet" Tipped me like $5
  14. so its been a week since we got back from Melbourne, and finally got all the hardware into the case last night. all going well, I'll have the pipework fitted this weekend (about bloody time) EK Supremacy second radiator, black ice slimline
  15. And there you have it Stripes. The luxury of not giving a toss. I recall an embarrassing moment in a share house with a girl on the kitchen bench top........................
  16. Nothing like a bit of consistency as far as the weather goes [emoji3]
  17. Good morning oh great adminihampster, and others [emoji39]
  18. I thought it was shaped like a cross pics of ford badge pool please barnz you must be a Lorenzo fan
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