had an aircon guy come over today and checked all 4 units
clean bill of health except the bedroom one which needed a chem-clean which turned out not so bad
I originally got him to come to check that particular one cos I thought it had a major problem
it was taking about 4-5 minutes to come on
turns out that all I had to do was set it to cool rather than auto, and hey presto, all fixed
that made me feel good
but the thing that really floated my boat was when he looked at the study aircon and saw my PC
to say he was impressed is an understatement, lots of ooh's and ahh's and wow's
asked if he could take some pics, snap-chatted to his friend and asked me lots of questions about water cooling
he spent more time checking it out than the aircon
I had a stupid grin from ear to ear
he also made Mrs BCB feel good
said we had a beautiful home and it must feel like we're always on holiday
ahhhh, BCB resort in the burbs