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  1. nice choice there, looks proper! So did these just fit on? Any arch, suspension mods?
  2. They look spot on, out of all the aftermarket wheels ive seen in pictures of wheels fitted to an xr6, yours piss all over them by miles, makes me even more up for getting one!
  3. F6 UTE what does the 1/4mile timing? cheers
  4. Do you have a heated front screen? if shouldnt go all the way to the edge? if im right place you bt gps reciever here as the metal elements in the screen, slightly afect the satellite reception. my ipaq H5450 running tomtom navigation.
  5. same sort of thing I posted on the page before http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Mobile-Digital-TV-R...1QQcmdZViewItem yet to get one myself in the uk nut dont think it will be all that whilst moving!
  6. This guy shouldnt own a car this quick because he cant drive for sh*t, the fact he converted it too rwd dont do him no favours http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...616560725&q=wrx the horn getting stuck ons a classic
  7. Cheers Oh, turbocorty, nice time btw, now you just gottta mod it to go a bit quicker
  8. ahh cheers cleared that one up then rego = yearly road tax, which in the UK comes in at 396.368 AUD As for our MOT, has to be done once a year every year after the cars 3 years old and that test is about 100AUD, just a generallonce over the cars wear & tear, with an emmisions check cheers though, was bugging me!
  9. simple F6 ford quoted performance 0-60 MPH Top end MPH bhp or kws, prefer BHP and nm torque cheers
  10. Whats rego mean / stand for when in a car selleres advert? cheers
  11. You might have all ready but have you tryed this indoors on you house antennas? At least you know if its the box or not?
  12. cant coment on the digital side of things, but the booster made the difference on picture or no picture on my portable analogue. Did also notice a spiking of the picture when any movement to the plugs was made, think for when I get a digy box, ill cut the 3.5mm plugs off and solder a proper plug on!
  13. My XR4x4 2.9 24V V6, 17" konig wheels, combat bodykit
  14. DBOSS, nothing to do with me mate, just a clip doing the rounds on a few UK ford fourms
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