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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. Romulus

    Edit Results?

    Fair enough. In my experience tuning my old car (VT GENIII) AFR's were between 12.6 - 12.8. I would have thought with a F/I setup mid 11's to flat 12 AFR would have ensured good power while keeping EGT at sane levels. If 12's work then that's fine
  2. Romulus

    Edit Results?

    Is 12.5 AFR safe for sustained WOT runs? I would have thought 11.5 - 11.8 AFR would have been safer. Good result nevertheless for the auto
  3. I'd be keen to come, problem is I haven't got my car yet. Arrives early Feb so guess I'll just have to wait
  4. Would be more interesting to compare a 6 speed T to the F6.
  5. Sounds like Ford won't have any legal grounds to sue CAPA. GM in the US was forced to release it's TIS software and diagnostic tools to all interested parties as their federal court ruled that GM had a monopoly on it's servicing tools. If it was true why haven't Expensive Daewoo gone after the folk who released LS1 Edit? Looks like it just a rumour.
  6. Seems forever before I get mine. Ordered a Jan '05 build the end of Oct, dealer tells me I'll get it mid Feb. Can't wait Congrats on your purchase.
  7. Such an obvious reason why the F6 is a disappointment, but no one picked it up. Looks like Ford wanted to have a bet both ways - so to speak. Build a car which is supposed to be a performance icon, but don't spend the money on R & D developing it. I think Ford really missed the boat in the performance stakes with the F6.
  8. Just read this topic, sounds good. Anyone done bigger injectors, fuel pump, FMIC and exhaust and tried the SCT tuning? Would be interesting to see an APS Phase 3 setup without the Unichip and with the SCT tune. What would be the limit of boost with this type of setup and what rwkw would you expect?
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