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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. Yep. I supplied the shop a centre only so I'm probably liable for the R & R portion. Will speak to the diff shop early next year and see what they'll agree to pay for. Moreover, I'm hoping the new CW&P isn't rooted as it was a brand new unit. Don't want it whining in 20-40k time, that will f@#$%n piss me off.
  2. Notice a bit of driveline shunt over the last week or so. Got the car on the hoist and there's 15mm of freeplay in the pinion. Looks like the diff is coming out beginning of the new year for some warranty work. May as well change the centre bearing and uni at the same time as part of preventative maintenance.
  3. The upgrade to the NV125 is the pinion upgrade from 3 to 6 in the TC planetary and a Morse chain. Locking the transfer case will end up in something eventually breaking in the driveline. No different to running a 4WD in 4HL on butumen roads. Perplexing how the rears aren't lighting up but the front are even with the rear biased torque split.
  4. Yep, GTP seats. Had them in my BF2 Super Pursuit and loved them.
  5. New front seats arrived from Proseat Interiors. They're absolutely fantastic, provide excellent bolstering and support. Great upgrade, definitely worth the outlay. The tan leather interior I had is up for sale.
  6. Bro, I don't know how to make a cuppa, I have people do that for me..... Having owned 2 TTG's mine did spin the rear wheels before the fronts. Both had open diffs, spinning the front was easy, especially when going around corners. Open diffs transfer power to the wheels with the least resistance as you know. Seems you have a problem and I trust you're able to sort it out. When it's sorted a truetrac or lsd will aid with even more traction.
  7. Paul's 450rwkw AWD G6ET didn't have any of these problems, mind you, he did have a truetrac fitted. Fix the traction problems in the rear, then come back and tell me I was wrong. With that much power you need to sort out the rear end anyway.
  8. If the front is spinning and the rear is not then you've got a mechanical issue. The split is 66:33 R/F from memory. Maybe the transfer case has problems.
  9. It's spinning the tyres with least grip. Fitting a LSD or Truetrac will make a massive difference.
  10. Fix that and most of your traction issues are gone. I’d recommend the Eaton Truetrac. Mine works superb.
  11. Do you have a LSD or Truetrac in the rear diff?
  12. Great result, well done. You know you can program out the kickdown in manual mode, adjust the shift/lock schedule, Table 27 as set the 100% value in the 2-1, 3-2, 4-3, 5-4 and 6-5 values the same as the lower percentage values. I can get WOT in any gear in manual mode without kickdown, it's handy when the car is on the dyno.
  13. No, this was a custom HiTech Muffler I had built at my request. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, I now realise I should have gone with 3.5" over the diff, then 3.5" inlet and either 3.5 or 4" outlet. I went twin 2.25" outlets to try and keep it quiet, but will change this at some point and go bigger.
  14. Just goes to show how restrictive the factory rear section is. I picked up 40rwkw by changing the system I had built for my car, I reckon there's still another 10-20rwkw when I change the rear muffler. Currently it's a single 3.5" inlet and twin 2.25" outlet. You can hear the hissing in the tailpipe under WOT.
  15. It is. Bush upgrade has made a big improvement to handling. Car feels much sharper, heaps better on centre feel and the pulsating under braking is gone. The radius arm bushes and inner lower control arm bushes were shot. Diff whine has also gone with the install of the new 3.23 gears. Replaced the right driveshaft at the same time as the outer CV boot was leaking grease.
  16. Re bush rime. Replacing all the factory bushes with Superpro. Given the cars only done 75000kms some of the original bushes are in bad condition, namely the front inner control arm and the radius arms. Ordered replacement radius arms rather than replacing the bushes alone. I ordered a 3.07 CW&P to replace the factory 3.23 gears as they were whining more than the bed wetters afraid of the government opening the borders. Alas, the 3.07 gears didn't work as they were not for the M86 diff as advertised. They'll be going back for a refund. Have to replace the right driveshaft as the outer shaft is leaking, spraying grease all over the shock absorber boot. I should feel some improvement to handling and hopefully the intermittent shuddering during braking will go away with the new bushes.
  17. I haven't pulled apart the front diff so I can't help you. Not sure if the SZ front diff is different to the SY/SY2 front diff. I know the mounting position is.
  18. The most common issues are diff bushes, front and rear. Rarely is the '3rd' diff bush in the front replaced, on the drivers side. Also, the radius arm bushes cause problems, these should be replaced as well. Check out the upper control arm bushes and inner lower control arm bushes, if these are worn you'll get a pulsating while braking, typical of cars fitted with the larger brakes and Brembos. Rear problematic on FG Falcons. Then there's the usual centre bearing, the rubber joint between the trans and driveshaft and uni joints. It could be a combination of all these items, a couple or one. You'll need to troubleshoot, throwing parts at it will usually lead to a fix.
  19. Interesting, most of the aftermarket exhaust manifolds are for high mount setups. Not that it can't work, I'm sure it'll work out good. Do you know, given the Territory runs the M86 diff stock, are the rear axles larger than the sedan axles? I've not researched, just wondering if you know.
  20. End up settling for Kumho PS71 in 245/45/19 and 275/40/19 size F & R. Both the same rolling diameter.
  21. Finally got the car back to Rob's after changing the mid section of the exhaust and connecting the RPM pickup for the Eboost controller. Power went up from 356rwkw previously to it's current output of 403rwkw. Both changes were necessary, too much back pressure in the exhaust and boost not holding before. Nice flames on trailing throttle, quite the sight at night when rolling on and off the throttle under boost in 3rd and 4th gear. Next mod will be the fuel system, an external surge tank with twin pump setup to run E85. Couldn't get the 275/45/19's to fit on the front, too much positive ET so I'll run a staggered setup with 255/50/19's at the front an 275/45/19's at the rear. Only 1% difference in height so that should keep the ABS module from having a fit.
  22. I don't like the twin bush setup, it caused a heap of NVH issues in my G6ET. I'll give the strengthening of the bush housing a go first. I'd say the most problems are caused from the loading and unloading of the driveline, like axle tramp or in manuals.
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