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  • Birthday February 28

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  1. Happy Birthday FGCOOL!

  2. Got away with with dump pipe, no mods just cut 20mm out of the cat so all good. Could be just my dump that hits the block,it's one of those sh*t advance things. I think other brands will be no problem but will still need 20mm cut off a straight section of pipe somewhere but I chose the cat.
  3. Usually minor mods I think but cutting the dump down an inch will need to be done for the pte6466 iwg....
  4. Hopeful to have it all done in a few weeks...... A few things to do yet.
  5. Fitted 6466 today and it's not a direct bolt on.... Requires dump pipe to be cut and welded. Along with actuator bracket modified as well as a 1/8 npt fitting for oil feed and also oil drain for large frame turbo...
  6. Happy Birthday FGCOOL!

  7. sorry for the late reply... It was free as I removed it from a rental car my mate had when he pranged his car....
  8. I replaced my module with a version CA out of a 2010 fg hire car and it works perfect with my iphone5. My module was a Version BA in my 09 f6, it cost 80 bucks to program it to the car at the dealer I installed the CA module myself in under 5 minutes but it had to be programmed by ford which took 10-15 mins and cost 80 bucks... My iphone 5 works perfect now
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