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About MikeT36

  • Birthday 02/02/1992

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  • Interests
    Hunting,Fishing,Cars,Beer in that order
  1. Happy Birthday MikeT36!

  2. is anyone a regular at Whoop Ass Wednesdays? want to take my car down the strip someday soon but a bit unsure whether I'd end up getting flogged haha do they have a match up system? or is it just you go against however?
  3. I think I just fell in love, Looks the Biz!!
  4. So what was meant to be an easy straight forward job of flushing the clutch system of the manky fluid that once resided in it, turned into a 2 hour gearbox out job, Number 1 thing not to do, When the bleeder doesn't feel like crakcing don't keep trying to crack it you will shear it off, try a 7/16 socket on it first to make sure there isn't a little nipple on the end, I found this one out the hard way, I ended up replacing the complete throwout bearing with an Alloy unit from a GM Machine I will give them the thumbs up with this one compared to the plastic unit supplied on the ford units,
  5. During some rather Spirited driving last night as I was changing from fourth to fifth I had the unfortunate luck of having the stick go in the Reverse gate Luckily no damage done, but just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them before?
  6. I just Replaced the centre hanger bearing and bushing on mine, had the Clunk you mention on take off the driveshaft was contacting the bottom of the bracket as the rubber bushing was completely flogged
  7. Are those Twisties Steve? I've got a spare twistie that we can swap if you wanted to? Curbage is painful to look at haha
  8. Looks Nice didn't think those FG rims would suit but I must eat my words haha
  9. Replaced the Centre hanger bearing, for anyone that has a manual equipped falcon that has driveline shunt I recommend replacing the hanger bearing as this bad boy makes a world of difference shunt is still there but no where near as bad as it used to be plus it's only a two hour job made easier if you have a rattle gun
  10. Just did this becauseracecar sorry about the quality reckon it looks pretty shlick Sent from my RM-821_apac_australia_new_zealand_218 using Tapatalk
  11. Off Topic and noob question but aren't they called Welch Plugs?
  12. the heartbreaking moment you buy a new tv and it's to big to fit in the car
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