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  1. Up around mt Crawford forest or the fire tracks up there just don't get caught by the rangers or at jams near monarto
  2. Who's going to the next street meet?
  3. Oh the good old days before the hooning laws,b1 vs p along Anzac drag strip on a Sunday afternoon. Or dead mans pass Btw went down 3gullies road in victor today is not the same in the roller .
  4. Goes to show how I am into the forums lately when did you move to vic Foon? Ave you seen a bionic f6 with a gt wing with a sunroof in your travels, my old f6 moved your way he lives around Calder hy one were.
  5. Umm do it stop procrastinating
  6. Invite the FPV&XR Car Club SA and tell them there's a trophy for the cleanest car and they will be all there you will fill the car park PMSL
  7. bummer about the dyno day would have liked to put the srt8 on but overseas on holiday
  8. HA HA your cheating fluffer that's frozen food tarted up ! Gee give Frezzeer a hard time then you do it! Some things never change :
  9. So man camp in may then ? Jets already done the important part !
  10. yeah right no pregos girls on man camp , Havnt you dropped it yet?
  11. yep its canned on the facebook page
  12. It was very boring I left 1/2 thru race 1
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