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  1. The AU to BF work off the same chassis, and I'm pretty sure the FG aswell. It was a winning formula from BA onwards and Ford prolly did not want to risk moving too much away from this when the FG was developed.
  2. Article Here: http://www.carsguide.com.au/site/news-and-...should_be_wild/
  3. According to today's Herald Sun, new V8 is 330KW and 545NM, and a supercharged version is also considered. In regards to a GTHO I'd think if Ford where to consider such a venture, it would need to be priced below $100K. The W427 looks a bit silly priced next to the Nissan GT-R to be honest. Then again so does the M3...
  4. Very scripted, they need blokes like Darrell Eastlake to host, the other two are getting better.
  5. An easier way is looking at how much antenna's they on the back, usually three.
  6. I have a friend who owns one, and he told me Ford honored the warranty. Only a hand full were made so they are definitely a keeper. The XR6 Turbo like many have said would fall under the VL category in years to come.
  7. NYT-SKY, that must of been a lot of fun But yeah it's very hard to start comparing modded cars because it all comes down to $$ spent. Track Car: GTR Road Car: Take your pick.
  8. That maybe true, however I do agree that their should be an option to upgrade from factory.
  9. corpex


    Well besides Stoner's Ducati, the other dukes were no where to be seen, in fact I would go onto say that the Honda's had the better package toward the end of the season.
  10. corpex


    It was a great season, congrats again to Casey, first season on the Duke with 11 wins amazing stuff, at least next year they will have track data to work with.
  11. The cops have been using that setup for over 2 years now in VIC. The locations of mobile speed trap sites, red light & speed cameras on intersections are all made available to the public. Check out this URL for the latest PDF on locations http://tinyurl.com/oj3tn Forgot to mention this is VIC only
  12. Alternative fuels are being used in Brazil with great success. Only problem is crude oil is used for a whole lot of other purposes. There has been head way made in the creation of Bio-Plastics, however they are still not as durable as plastics derived from crude oil. IMO a fast and affordable transition to alternative fuels and Bio products is needed now to sustain the world's economies, for a post-oil economy to thrive. Something tells me this is not going to be cheap and fast lol, I really hope I'm wrong.
  13. corpex


    Rossi has commented a few times now that Stoner is not just fast down the straights but also through the corners. The last race in Catalunya proved that. Secondly if the Ducati's have such an advantage why aren't the other Dukes up there every race? Stoner is a great rider and I think this championship will come down to the wire. Next race at Donington, Stoner finished 4th on a privateer Honda last year, bring it on!! This is also a Superbike track so I'm hoping Vermulan can pull something out of the hat as well. Colin Edwards (half aussie) should also qualify up the grid.
  14. It's very hard for anyone to speculate if the world has hit a 'peak oil' period considering Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are a state secret. What is common knowledge is the world's demand for oil increases with growth and the worlds oil reserves are not infinite. Competition for this black gold will only get fiercer with time
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