There must be something in the water every bloke has lost it with their car mind you these blokes are like late 40's. They are worse then 20 year olds.
The f6 red ssg02 made 586 rwkw has put the standard turbo back on now only makes 360 but has dropt it off to get the 51r back on so ye might be out friday with lots more power.
ssg02 that bloke also owns a ba that will be completed by Nizpro soon roumered to be making between 800 and 900 rwkw it looks like a sleeper besides the big rubber in the back so that will be interesting on fridays.
This was 3 weeks ago I was behind them the f6 f6g4ce got him every time in saying that apperantly ls3jet was out on et streets last friday so that might have changed things around.
The cars made from old washing machines , so what do you expect they are all disposables from falcon to fpv go Jap much better quality just been honest iv got an xr quality is o compared to the jap car I have.
Hey xr6t_ute Forgot to mention that even thoe its a Ba it has a been converted to a zf 6 speed auto with 3.7 diff gears so the 6 speed definatly helps with fuel consumption even thoe the diff gears are changed to reduce lagg on the 51r and the rpm sits slightly higher when cruising around . When the car was running 100 ron with a 4 speed it was less fuel efficient than now even thoe it had 200rwkw less.The cost involved in running a car with this much power is irelevent just some info with specks and fuel consumption for other readers wanting the perfect car to go cruising with friends have the option to take the family and enjoy the car without stoping for fuel every hour that is why I could never run a 2 speed glide in a car like this because the for me the positives outway the negatives between the two trans for what I intend in doing with the car. Cheers.
Mine is tuned on United pump E85 makes 546rwkw on 23psi Nizpro tuned . I must say that the fuel consumption with the power its running is impresive drove it to Gipsland from Chelsea got 400 km to a tank. The best part $1.12 a liter. 850 hp drive around like its bone stock not many cars can do that.
I think it has been tuned it makes 400kw at all 4 . and ye that is the plate. just wonder weather there is heaps of lag in the g6 with a glide I think it would be a dog on the street. Track it would be great.