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Everything posted by FPVPSI

  1. Anything Tuff on the streets last nite.
  2. Does anyone report carnts that throw ciggy buttz out the window they s**t me . Use your ashtray. How do you report them anyway.
  3. This is more like gay chat anyway from most coments so that's cool.
  4. Cant talk about street racing and the chat has died in the a** . LOL.
  5. Spotted E85 for 98c a litre at Braeside United.
  6. Its Funny how in Aus we can not talk about street racing as that puts us in a criminal category of a rapist then we need to deal with a curant afair and sh*t, in Europe its all cool but curse at someones mum and you will get shot. But hangon are you a Drug user in Aus, oh you are ok we will build Injection rooms so you can shoot up and the criminal that races on the street will pay for you to have a place to get high as you sit at home in a home that the tax payers have paid for THIS GOVERNMENT AND THEIR LAWS CAN GO AND GET F****. If the cops are reading this on Monash Freway why is it 80 kmh from Bourke road when clearly even an old bat can do 100 there its so easy to become a hoon I usually have 102 on cruise drive through the 80 zone without realizing or effecting anyone but allways think when I get home will I have a cop waiting for me because someone has reported me for hooning. Then lets get on the Gay topic its a free cuntry but dont offend gays or lezos hangon its not normal you want to be gay or lezo fine keep it to your self but dont put me in a position why I need to explai to my 6 yr old why that's fine when clearly its not .
  7. Hey Glouva you got your car back yet.
  8. Free Country free speech pfft, as long as you do what we say the world is turning into an open controled jail can do Sh*t cant say sh*t.
  9. Spotted Stainless at Carrum on Station street yesterday about 2.30.
  10. Car has no grip at all even at 180 new slicks.
  11. Il be out tonight should be good weather pending. Have not started the car in 2 months so will be out for a wash and chat.
  12. Stick in the wrong hand lane in Germany see how long you last.
  13. Sticking to the left is curtesy to other drivers here we have a big ego problem if someone tailgates we fail to merge instead we want to rip their head off in road rage you dont know the other persons reason for speeding and its none of your bussines he is liable for his actions just get in the left if you dont in my book you are in the same category as people that have no education in driving this exactly proves my point obtaining a licance way to easy.
  14. You should be in the left as soon as you pass someone, this is why they need split speed limits 100kmh left lane 110kmh right lane at least you can overtake without been parenoid about being over the limit then merge left 100kmh both lanes causes congestion and everyone gets pist.
  15. I wonder if they broke it down in percentage terms the number of fatalities on the road due to racing and the number of fatalities due to uneducated drivers making mistakes that result in death which of the two would be greater iv got my belief and im sure everyone else on the forum also has thair belief but those facts will never be released as revenue is more important. Vic Roads you should be ashamed colect the money and hand out a licence to people that have never seen a car let alone drove one but hey blame the hoons as that colects more money and we can keep handing out licances to people that simpli dont know how to drive wake up speed doesnt kill in appropriate places its vic roads that does for failing to asses who can handle a car, have comon sense move out of the way and flow with traffic so 130km on a freeway should not kill people.
  16. I hate when people say I done a skid when they really mean a burnout a skid to me is when you lock up the brakes in a s**t box and skid across the road NOT A BURNOUT or is that the difference between a Wog and a Skip expression of the meaning. Someone please explain, a skid could also be in your pants its not reffered to as a burnout when you drop one and exedently follow through LOL.
  17. FPVPSI

    My New Gt 335

    Hey Bowie nice car bud I think it will be even better now with 380rwkw, what are the positives of driving the charged 8 compared to the turbo cars you had, iv got a mate with a BF GT that makes only 260rwkw and there is no way he would drive a turbo car just has no feel for him unless you are fanging it hes driven my turbo with 550rwkw but just doesnt like it at all. Might get my self a gt for daily duties so any feedback now that you have it tuned would be great.
  18. Are they really doing 1.9% finance that is a great deal for anyone wanting a GS GT or a GTP.
  19. A bit harsh on your self mate, from my experiance once you stop chasing the money that's when it flows in the key is focus and goals.
  20. As soon as my auto gets sorted out hopefully next 3 weeks. When are you getting your beast back.
  21. I ran 10.8 @ 128 with 343rwkw 5 yrs ago. 60 ft 1.61.
  22. GO Nizpro you can go to the rest but you allways end up at the best.
  23. I think a bit more track time you will go quicker Christian and are you running standard diff gears, do you run a converter or not and what was your 1/8 mph . Im really hanging to sort my auto out and get to the track. Im not happy with my auto at all. Have not even started the car for a month .
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