I reckon midvale tyrepower is good Ralph, good blokes. Better than the sh*tty bob janes on great eastern. I guess you go to the one closer to you though
That's what happened when mine went, knocking noise while parking, slow cornering
Was upper control arm bushes, I looked at em and they were torn
they were pretty cheap to get replaced by pedders, just bought superpros off eBay and took em in
That sounds dodgy. Only kings I've seen are yellow.. Standard springs are black
You can get the whole lot for $250 as well shoulda searched harder
Edit just searched and some other people got black kings, repainted and rebranded for some reason.. Should be able to scratch the paint off and see yellow?
Spotted a bf (I think) on Reid highway where it turns the corner to go to roe highway bright blue HUGE intercooler and screamer pipes... Anyone on here?? Sounded tough
I'd take the f6 any day.. Brembos bigger injectors bigger turbo
Though I do love my small turbo and I reckon they launch a little bit harder but then the f6 keeps pulling when the xr6 runs outta puff and has that real... Floaty kind of effortless torque feel
That's what I got from the passenger seat in a stock f6 anyway