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Everything posted by Lennox

  1. Wouldn't 20 psi be over 400rwkw on these engines? Nice intake temp.... enjoyable
  2. Ah I thought hp was as good. Fair enough then. Sorry xcal :( On that note then does anyone know can you read transmission temperature on the livelink program?
  3. Dammit I was gonna post that. Gdamn office workers always on the pc
  4. My xcal 4 is a 600 dollar paperweight. Honestly never use it. Have tried to use the live link software but can't seem to get it working properly and I only have a tiny selection of things I can read on the unit, no transmission temp for example which is what I was looking for. POS really I'd rather just not have it
  5. Pretty sure Perth trains appear to be disc brake setup.. they squeel like hell too maybe op accidentally got transperth spec brembo pads
  6. Soo.. are the rotors even warped or is it just the pads squeeling? Maybe they're just sh*t noisy pads or you've chucked track pads in there and what you really want is quiet street pads. .?
  7. You'll never have the fastest car around, theres always gonna be someone with more money and more power than you.. forget about beating other people and get the car to the point where YOU enjoy it
  8. If you can't afford brembos its not like they're essential. Are your rotors even warped or is it just the pads squeeling? Maybe you just need some different pads..
  9. probably get chopped by an old guy in a ferrari
  10. Who lives in cottesloe? No xr6t drivers I'm guessing....
  11. I don't understand what you're saying is all...
  12. So e85 magically creates more power without more torque?
  13. Maybe not peak torque but you'll have more torque over the Rev range
  14. Depends on your feet . I have a friend who did 12 flat with manual when his skyline was a little over 300rwkw. Just gotta get the balance of the launch right and shift like a weapon
  15. f*ck yeah! Must be enjoying that one. Bye bye petrol bye bye tyres
  16. Maybe you're just sending them to the wrong types of women. I've had a win with a dick pic albeit only once when I was game enough to try it. Was seeing that shlut for 9 months too. So as far as I'm concerned that's a 100% strike rate
  17. ^ Yeah. Works if you got a decent peg. If not maybe not a great idea
  18. ^^ Sounds like skid oclock to me
  19. I heard he's coming down to jd tuning in sa to get his mods done?
  20. If I wanted a street only pad that was low noise and dust and decent stopping I'd be all over the NS400. But I'm after the best possible braking for the street and the ability to handle high Temps if I hit up a track day or something so I'm looking at better options at the sacrifice of noise, faster rotor wear and dust. Not trying to say a product is sh*t or anything like that and I've been in a car using the pmu hc800 pads on the track and that thing stopped like it was hitting a concrete wall so I know they make quality gear.
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