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Everything posted by Lennox

  1. ooooo that'll be interesting! Let us know how it goes
  2. Yeh I beat one that made more than that in my stock xr6t.. Had cams exhaust Otr tune underdrives.... Auto transmission.. Only one that beat me was supercharged and that was on sh*t tyres and hot night... Couldn't leave the line with ANY boost You'll have him easy in an f6 yours is auto right? Unless maybe if he had hi stall...
  3. You'll destroy him just make sure your tyres are decent
  4. Trainer would help though if you got em like 3 times a week... f*ck jack3d I remember the real one made me feel like I was coming down off pills or something... But with none of the love :(
  5. ^ Ain't nobody got time for na on here..
  6. I love when the f250 driver climbs out and it's a 5 foot nothing dude in a cowboy hat. Over compensating?
  7. Yes! What is it for??? Had one on my ba and never knew what it did
  8. "People do tell me I'm pretty".. What a *beep*
  9. Was considering one of the second hand pw2 on the forums atm. But the posts about em being sh*t scared me Interested to see nelsonians results before I purchase either way
  10. What'd you pay for it nelsonian? Just get it off plazmaman website? Did it take long for em to send it?
  11. If you can't eliminate the noise through better earthing try an inline noise filter from jaycar. They work really well
  12. Did you try the nolathane Marco and didn't like it?
  13. Bet a 12 year old girl could smash him, doesn't look like he's got much mobility
  14. Site Rdo.... Taking it eeeeez No one to look after cant do work around the house cos not there... This is the life
  15. Undercover? You'd have to be pretty silly to drag a marked car haha
  16. The poo poo? It wasn't that exciting was it Marco?
  17. Sounds like fun! I reckon you'd start reeling him back in at high speed like 150 plus or something.. I find at the drags the v8s gain a little more ground right at the end against my stock car anyway They got the revs we don't
  18. I'd hazard a guess that if they both nailed their shifts and got traction.... The turbo woulda had it by a little Amirite?
  19. Yeh they stock superpro I've bought em from there before but didn't get em installed there
  20. Bloody women they don't care about any of their stuff.. Break phones.. Back cars into sh*t.. Lucky they purdy
  21. Probably XFT ptr. I don't "have a tuner" yet cos I don't wanna waste their time before I'm booking it in.. They would get so many young dickheads ringing em up asking questions all day pipe dreaming... I just like the idea of the nice light tube and fin.. XFT and monsta torque would both suggest pw I'm sure - neither stock plazmaman anyway
  22. Where's the plaz 1000hp sit then? Better than PW stage 2? I'm buying a cooler in the next couple of weeks..
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