I do love driving it but it's so sh*t with all the hoon cams and bullsh*t now. Just seems like a massive waste of coin for something you can barely use. But I don't I could ever get 50 grand worth of enjoyment out of powerskids/fast acceleration unless I owned a race track. Maybe I am playing the wrong game.
That's the exact reason I'm not doing anything else to my car haha.
Guys spent 50 grand on it in addition to purchase cost. ..what's he gonna get? Maybe 25k IF it even sells?
Leave it to the old guys who own their houses outright and have true disposable income...
Didn't think they would look good. I have em on my xr6. I think wheels with thinner spokes look better on the g6. Or just leave it stock I reckon they look pretty bogan when people tart em up.
Aus posts "express" post. Something got shipped for me last Thursday they reckon this Thursday for delivery. How's that express? It's from a central place in Adelaide to my place which is 12 min away from the aus post depot
It's 2016 you *beep* shape up no wonder you're losing money....
Yeah hondas bring the bitches. The bitches who are driving them.
I saw boris's car on carsales a few weeks ago. Asking something ridiculous like 30k. Gonna be waiting a while for that sale mate!
Voltage will drop when cranking the engine. They do weird sh*t with low battery voltage, good to just replace it or charge it and move on with life...
Mine flashes up transmission not in park when the battery is low. Why I have no idea..
Yep essentially that's what I did. I just panicked at first it wasn't that bad in the end haha. Still need to replace turbo inlet pipe couldn't find a small enough reducer in shops might have to ebay it. Think it's 2" to 2.5" internal diameter
It's not leaking just looks sh*t with a few little acid holes melted into the pipe
Tiny little inlet on the fg turbo!