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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Poor little fella - "worst xmas ever"
  2. Same to you and yours. Merry Christmas all
  3. Xmas shiopping all done Merry xmas eve everyone
  4. Bacon fried, butter basted ribeye. Even Homer would say "WTF"
  5. I thought we got rid of it Keith - fix please
  6. Bloody hell Keith - sh@t the bed this morning?
  7. If it's Windows 10 Start Settings Update & Security Recovery Reset this PC
  8. More likely all the adware, antivirus, helpers and junk that mums seem to load up on the browsing adventures "Click here to fix the problem" - 60% of the time it gets them everytime Format is free, quick and easy to tell if it sorted the issues.
  9. Pretty much just a badge it shares with Mustang
  10. Unbolt cat, knock out restriction ring, bolt cat back in. With the ring gone the cat is no longer the restricted part of the exhaust
  11. Yep - the value of my 1996 Prado has jumped up a couple of grand since I got it lol
  12. https://www.betootaadvocate.com/headlines/adelaide-streets-completely-deserted-due-to-them-being-located-in-adelaide/?fbclid=IwAR1wYuGJgI1uKTF2eoCjSI0H3Mobw2c_PEB51Pnx-NjXOfLe20Zdwb6V2_A 😄
  13. I like that Sort of like The Purge, but for road rash 😄
  14. I'll probably be taking things on a week by week with the covid still kicking around What's happening in S.A. now could basically pop up anywhere and ruin any longish term plans. Might try to get a weekend coffee meetup or overnight cruise going on the spur of the moment for anyone around over the Xmas break Isn't much fun in Vic on the roads at the moment - all the extra cops they had doing covid roadblocks and ISO enforcement seem to have been put on traffic duty and been upgraded to fun police status. Hopefully by next year things will be a lot more stable and we can make plans, but there are some stupid people about who can totally derail that :S
  15. Earls oil filter and maybe heat exchanger for the auto for peace of mind?
  16. All good - was just grumpy because he was up before 10am
  17. Nah, that was one prepared earlier by previous owner. Has more scratches now but no new dings
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