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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Can I insert running gag (that seems to not been used lately) about S.A. dyno's @JETURBO?
  2. Just back from another mates 50th After 18th's, 21st's, engagements, weddings, divorces and now 50th's Is funerals the next step?
  3. TFIF Might be posting in the drunk tank tonight, think I need a couple lol
  4. Am making an easter bonnet for 6yo Grandaughter. I've got zero creative talents.
  5. Been a long week so far. Bring on the weekend and then easter. Have got little miss 6yo for the next couple of weeks so will be doing an easter egg hunt at a campsite somewhere for her.
  6. Was probably on my way to the brewery for a mtes 50'th I played taxi on the way home with a full car
  7. Ah nice - did I have anyone in the car with me?
  8. And here I am stuck near Mansfield for the lockdown. Such a shame to be here in the country and not locked up at home 100+ odd acres that needs pest control on - beats being stuck at home lol. Foxes last night, bunnies tonight.
  9. Picked up a cheap air rifle today for some weekend plinking Am tipping the scope is pretty bad, so the sights will be the go
  10. Am cooking chilli for dinner tomorrow night so bound to be inadequate
  11. Off to Cowes with the boys for a long weekend. 6 of us in a unit - they go every year for the Superbowl on Monday - I'm not that fussed about the game but the weekend away should be good.
  12. Gigabyte Aorus AIO I got the 280 version
  13. I think 85 is pretty normal for the 5800 under long stress test? - fan/pump were on about 50%
  14. Looking great so far - steady 85deg at 100% utilisation
  15. Am sure there's an Alf Stewart r@pe dungeon in the basement
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