I'm a bit more old school - in my day we'd put the dizzy cap from a GT351 onto a an RS2000 Escort for an easy and undocumented mod. 4 cylinders firing with and 8 cylinder pattern means they fire twice as fast = twice the power. Jag V12 dizzy cap was tried a few times, but 3 times the firing was found to be an uneven number and coz the car has four wheels it set up a shocking harmonic and unless you were running a 3 speed gearbox it's flip the car over. If only we had six speeds back then. Actually - if we had 12 speeds it wouldn't matter if you ran a 4, 8 or 12 spark dizzy - wow, imagine the potential. 1 dizzy for economy, 1 for fun and then another for ballistic. Was a lot easier before these computers and ECU's and stuff. Used to be that it actually mattered what hardware you had rather than what hardware you told it you had. In my day you couldn't just tell the car you had a turbine from a F16 fighter powering it and it'd act as if it did and fly at Mach 2.