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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Rab

    Lux And Tech Packs

    Yep - I always turn up to the office as the radio station is finishing off it's morning program.. and need to reverse :( I always miss the punchline to whatever joke they've got on
  2. Rab

    Lux And Tech Packs

    Any way to stop the radio muting when in reverse? (FG mk2)
  3. Hands, feet and neck - keep them warm and it's all great
  4. A $2k EOFY bonus pay sure made me feel good today Spending it on bills as soon as it hit the account didn't :(
  5. Actually - now that it's gone I'm starting to think the way they were going to do it would have been better. Share any games with mates without having to hand over the disc Play their games without the disc (only need them on your friends list) 50 "friends" max - that would be a hell of a lot of $100 games we could have played without paying for Big whoop about having to sign in every 24 hours - I need to do that anyway to either read here or to goto gamefaq's to work out there I have to go next in the game:S
  6. yeah - I went back in to edit, but I think you did it for me
  7. Ah cool - posting the link embeds it as a video If you right click on the video you get the option to save a link from the current time edit: doesnt seem to work on embedded videos, only links :(
  8. - the comment was light hearted (had had a few scotches) - found a link was from the love bug
  9. Can't remember the movie, but there was a part where Herbie split in half and did something cool.
  10. If you can change post count and user name then surely you can change avatar to pooh
  11. Interesting comparison here: http://yamamoto114.deviantart.com/art/8th-Gen-Console-Comparison-Xbox-One-vs-PS4-373228423 I'll most probably end up with both eventually (goto have all the gadgets). PS4 will most probably be my first purchase (will get from Amazon heaps cheaper ~$550 for PS4 and second controller) Xbox's handling of game sharing/trading/resale seems to be a huge issue unless it's cleaned up and made a hell of a lot friendlier - the "always online" bit doesn't really bother me as I'm always online, but not a real nice requirement. That said - 99% of my gaming now is on the PC and is a much more enjoyable experience - really only exclusives that the console is needed for. I may wait and work out which would be the better unit for the rest of my setup - best media player/streamer etc which is where the Xbox could win.
  12. Looks cool, but I doubt you'd get far focusing on less than 1m ahead of you - by the time you see and process the contour change ahead of your front wheel you're elbow deep in a pot hole (or the rear end of a car)
  13. I just got a prank phonecall from probably a 10 year old. "Bob Jane here from the commonwealth bank. It says here you owe the bank $1000" They then hung up. They hadn't even turned off caller ID on the mobile phone they called from. Years since I've even heard of anyone being prank called by a random stranger - for some reason it made me laugh and feel good I might send a text back suggesting they turn off caller ID next time - will probably confuse the parent whose phone they were using.
  14. Just go to the meat spin website
  15. Closing off all production in Oz - Sales/Servicing yards will remain for the Mondeo's, Fiesta's etc (plus whatever else they decide to bring into the country). Just no more Falcons/Territories. I think it will still be Ford Australia?
  16. Indeed - I wouldn't be feeling to happy if I had a car currently on the production line. Care factor of the workers will have taken a nose dive today :( That said - I wouldn't be feeling too happy if I was a worker on the production line or associated industries today. Bad news indeed.
  17. Most questions can be answered in an existing thread (and usually get told to) This one probably could have been asked in a new one rather than finding a 8 year old one
  18. Love the last one Panda. (edit - oops, not the last one anymore - the lego one) Funny thing is - to a kid the spaceship is more real than the others :D Wish I still had that imagination
  19. Rab


    Single Malt ftw!!!
  20. Cheers - I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it
  21. I agree with you Dags, but from their stated purpose they're not attacking from an angle that's going to win them much real support. (mainly anti hoon law stance is the only gist I can gather from their page) I'd liken it to a party formed on the basis that sentences for drug users are too heavy, rather than a party formed to push for the decriminalisation of marijuana and other drug reform. "Joey got his car impounded for doing 95 through a school zone - we think that's unfair and a violation of his civil liberties" isn't really much of a platform.
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