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Everything posted by Rab

  1. New PS4 turned up - thankyou very much Pizza Hut I reckon I've got about 36 hours left to have fun with it til the son steals it (Santa told him he could have it for xmas) Spewing there are no driving games out for it yet - stuck with GT6 on the PS3 for the time being. At least it's given me the urge to finish my conversion of the old Monaco GP cabinet
  2. Cheers - am still looking for a rim that fits brembos that make me want to swap
  3. Easy cleaning I reckon - can we have a shot of the whole car?
  4. Would buff get along with me? (2nd day off work = a few beers)
  5. Got myself a new housemate today - she sucks
  6. Cut the grass? He'll hate it, she'll love it
  7. PMSL - I've just spent 2 hours lecturing a young punk about growing up. Telling him how "as you get older and more mature" etc you don't get to do the things you want to do, but end up doing the things you have to do. Just realised - I just spent 2 hours doing the things I had to do, not the things I wanted to do - I could have just said "f*ck it" and done what I'd wanted to do at the start - maturity sucks
  8. Rab

    Dyno Run

    torque Read the other side of the graph for it's readings Usually a dyno sheet will have them in different colours. Just remember - there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers (unless you're the tuner that is asking which line is which) edit: the flat bit in the middle for the torque line is what you'd expect edit 2 : OP - you were reading the wrong line? (remember - there are no stupid questions, just stupid people )
  9. Rab

    Dyno Run

    You were looking at the wrong line?
  10. If you want 400kw from the FG it won't be some simple mods - you'll need a new turbo to start with (FG's have a smaller turbo that has it's balls at the lower end, not the upper - the older ones had longer legs, but didn't get up to speed as quick) Work out what you want from the car rather than a number - chase the outcome rather than a dyno figure If it's a long term goal to get to 400 then find a tuner you can trust and work with them towards building towards that. Make sure you only pay once for items - each thing you change will require a tune, but each item you replace will require a tune plus the full cost of the correct part. Stage your changes so you only buy parts that won't have to be replaced the next step up. 400kws done wrong may cost you a transmission, turbo, tailshaft, engine and a lot of money - done correctly it could fall within your budget (if you budget correctly). If you just want the first step now - then probably a reputable tuner for a flash tune would be the way to go. Get one that will make sure you have the right pipes/support for it, or that will suggest what changes are needed for them to be comfortable to perform the work.
  11. Would I be the only one that would love a "safe" place to post after a few stubbies? Sometimes after a late lunch, irish breakfast or drunken night of debauchery I feel an overwhelming need to jump online and start posting. It isn't until I get back on the forum in the daylight that I realise what a rambling, incoherent, dribbling mess I've been (yep - am feeling as if I'm going to wake up tomorrow and find tonight has been one of those nights) Anyway - I'm going to try and limit my philosophical, beer addled postings to this thread. If I ever start speaking crap in a forum topic, I'm probably drunk and should be sent straight back to this one. Hopefully I won't be alone
  12. ms700: my (now ex) mother-in law still talks about how one year when she asked me what I wanted for xmas I answered "the kids to be happy" That's the best pressy a dad can get. Will last at least until the answer becomes "the grandkids to be happy"
  13. Superb? My dad got a great deal on an new Ocatavia? just before I bought my XR6T - was such a good deal he got that if he hadn't have snapped it up it would be what I'm driving now. If he hadn't have bought it I was ready to pounce. He's happy with the deal and the car he got - I'm more than happy with what I eventually chose
  14. Very apt typo - make the coupling sound how it was probably acting
  15. Now you've given your car a complex about its arse. "Do my rears look big in these rotors?" or, if it's a bloke turbo you've given it a complex about the size of it's (caliper) piston "I bought the right size rubbers and they swim on me" add in some witty comments about pads and bedding in and it will refuse to leave the garage.
  16. Rab

    Dyno Run

    Not looking at the wrong line are you?
  17. I guess the red is kept on the plant longer so it's reflected in the price (longer til it can be harvested etc) e.g. 3 crops of green vs 2 crops of red = 30% price difference
  18. 1 sleep to go What's everyone hoping the big fella brings? Thanks all for the fantastic forum (am still a relatively newcomer - hopefully to be long term ) Hope you all come out the otherside safe and sound (even if a bit hungover and/or plumper) Hope you all get a nice shiny FPV under the tree (I'd be happy with a tank of gas to be honest)
  19. 50 pallets of stock ordered for a storeroom that's already half full and holds 40 pallets because the manager thought we'd need the extra stock was my nightmare when running the storeroom many years ago. Pfft - who needs a path to the toilets and lunchroom
  20. I'm at work - no calls coming in so just browsing forums. Would be the same if I was home, but I'd probably still be asleep
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