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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Nah - agreed is the same - will update that once I've got the car back and before I pay the renewal.
  2. Lol - do NOT go to forced6dotcom to check - definitely NSFW
  3. Called mine (AAMI as well - got the renewal already - due early in March) to let them know I was getting the car put on gas (with "supporting mods"). Premium rose by about $3.00 :(
  4. Overextending for a Monday aren't you?
  5. No reason you can't take it to a closer dealer (if there is one) under warranty.
  6. Damn - NSA has nothing on DAGS
  7. Damn - my week got better come knock off time - yours the opposite :( Hope no flak flows your way. Will raise a glass to you regardless
  8. What were you in? 4x4 with bullbar and it still looks new/zero damage? You managed to rear-end him? Puts you at fault?
  9. I prefer to call it 3 sleeps - makes is sound like longer
  10. Oh crap - what happened - where were you? All ok? Have a beer (or stronger) on me once the plod let you go.
  11. Not yet, but fair warning - I will be later tonight Need a few strong drinks to undo the week that has been.
  12. It's not too bad at the moment - we've had them before (possum was the worst). After a few more days it'll be clear - just hoping Monday is that day as it gets worse before it gets better. If it's bad Monday I'll divert the phones and work from home - no need to put up with that stench. (Got chooks out the back of the office - ever since we've had them it's attracted the rodents - might be time to cook up some chicken)
  13. I think he made the hole in the oil cap
  14. Woohoo Just got a call from the Pizza Hut competition (I won a PS4 and game before Xmas) I'd chosen the Driveclub game (even though it wasn't released - neither of the other 2 were appealing) The just offered for me to wait for Driveclub or they'd send Infamous once it's available - much better choice :D
  15. I used to have a browser on my iPhone that would play flash files - not sure if it had to be jailbroken or not.
  16. Lol - was waiting for the "You know you're gay when.... you notice the poker chips on the table" Don't worry - it was the last thing I noticed, after a lot of searching
  17. Doused the area of the wall with the decaying rodent to try and soften the stench with air freshener. Now it smells like a citrus fresh dead animal :(
  18. You've never had a car BBQ til you've had a liquid gas injected car BBQ
  19. That's why they're using it as a BBQ would have been the correct response
  20. Was waiting for the "fell of the hydraulics" - this was better
  21. Pics? (would go a long way to my answer)
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