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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Live'ish I think edit: click on "earth" at the bottom and it brings up data - looks like 7pm - refresh the time and it's 10pm. Change height to 850
  2. The cyclone at a macro level - quite relaxing really http://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-211.80,-14.22,987
  3. Have had 7970's in crossfire for a while now. Will never bother again. Single card still does fine, and by the time it doesn't - a next gen single card will cost the same as my second card did and run better than both. I did have bragging rights for six months though - even if it was only used for minecraft
  4. All run by accountants in America. Occasionally they miss the memo's and let something magical through like the turbo barra, but they're quick to recover and hobble the good stuff by hiding it from the world and drawing attention to sticker specials. The McDonalds Happy Meal formula works so well and is so easy to cater for - why would they want to give customers a corner shop burger with the lot option where some want beetroot, some hate onion or egg and a couple might (gasp) ask for pineapple rings? One size fits all is the way it's going. Global front end style across all model ffs. One day colour choice will be the only option - and even that will be only a small range.
  5. How many Weetbix Tom? - need to get that amount right before he can fine tune
  6. You're not meant to drink it though
  7. I reckon Dags probably had too many torrents open on the server, stealing bandwidth, memory and cpu cycles
  8. Joe's already said the dyno was reading low after a move (corrected now) and the higher the power, the higher the error.
  9. mmmmm. Very nice How many k's on her now?
  10. Drop into a dealer and get them to reset it maybe - should adapt to your driving style from fresh quicker than it adapts from previously learnt bad habits?
  11. Yeah - I had SDP and SHP in my mind as the perp and the victim :S Awesome result with Mundine - just a shame he wasn't knocked down for a 6th and final time. Never did find a stream of the fight - had to resort to live tweets :(
  12. Damn - always read his old name as Sexually Depressed Panda - wasn't til I just checked his name history that I realised he was only Slightly Depressed.
  13. Better be pics later or there'll be hell to pay
  14. Shat myself tonight when I pulled up at home and heard a horrid screeching coming from the engine. Was a bit less freaked out when it continued after switching the engine off (was thinking thermo fans) Was relieved when I stepped out of the car and realised it was only cicadas making a huge cacophony.
  15. I thought we could change our names ourselves - it appears not.
  16. No luck finding a stream for the fight :( One of the usual sites was shut down this week by the plod and none of the others seem interested in the turkey
  17. Don't get your hopes up - I still get the nicotine stains in my jocks many years after quitting.
  18. Keep them on hand to pass on to someone who does enjoy them, is just starting out or for last chance emergency supplies in case you find yourself short
  19. Hehe - I told you I had the DK-Tab initially, but as soon as I got onto some of the fruit/menthols/mint flavours I went straight off it I think you got some tobacco flavours to start on, but went straight to the fruits instead - bypassing the need for the tobacco starters.
  20. Same - will be live stream though so can't answer the important query :( Hopefully there's at least a decent fight or 2 on the undercard. Watching via a link that doesn't give him any coin though is the important bit - if he loses it's the golden bonus
  21. Another Mundine fight tonight - will try and post streaming links if anyone's interested in watching the circus
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