As said ^^ Can almost guarantee that, even if you did get a generic tune you would be looking for more fairly quickly. What seems cheap at the outset will end up costing you long term. Find yourself a tuner that's recommended on the forums and you are comfortable dealing with/are on the same wavelength as you and can work with you on your plans.This way you do things right the first time and don't end up spending money to replace something you just paid for. Which model and where are you? Definitely stay away from generic tunes and intune. Spend the time on research and the money on the correct solution you're after and get the right people to do it and you'll be happy as a pig in sh*t. Try to cheap out, go ahead without a clear direction or get the wrong people to touch your vehicle and you may luck out and get it all working, but the chance of a catastrophic, expensive, time consuming failure is all too real. Keep in mind - even with "just a tune" on the car there are some components that can still be a weak link, and can vary between models and year/kms. A trusted tuner will work with you to keep you informed of these, limit the tune to not put them in danger and know the most cost-effective replacements that are needed to ensure you get the maximum benefit and longevity out of your engine. Good luck with chasing your refund. Please take your time to research, ask and confirm your upgrade path - there's a heap of experience on the forums (much of it gained by mistakes ) and any cost savings you may try to find at the outset can end up costing you a lot more in the long run. There's a heap of eBay stories throughout - everything from xCal's, injectors, intercoolers, turbo's, intakes etc that turned out to result in the person having to pay twice (or more) for the outcome they were after. has some good links to start with is brilliant if you have an FG - basically gives a great idea of levels and order to aim for.