Had a mate (22yo) I had the same situation with about 10 years ago - my dragon icon/pic thing is actually a tribute to him - photo of a tattoo converted to a jpg and made into my icon. I found it best at the time was to let him take the reigns - let him call the shots that he was able to do, wanted to do and could do. Some things he suggested seemed pointless - some things I suggested that I thought would be great had no interest from him All it really came down to was keeping him as happy as we could during the time he had left. Any bucket list "important, must do" things - he lost interest in - just wanted to spend time with family and friends. The main thing I worked out to do was not to treat/deal with him in any way other than I had before he became sick - he didn't want/need to be treated with kid gloves (sp?) or people pussy footing around - he wanted the people he knew and loved to be continuing to be themselves while they were around him. Farck - still can't believe it happened - there really is no rhyme nor reason to life. Engaged to be married, just had his 21st, clean bill of health, non smoker, occasional drinker and struck down with something so cruel - I really, really don't get it.