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Everything posted by Rab

  1. The stock FG's are almost a second quicker over the 1/4 (correct me if I'm wrong) and all of that is in the low down, early spool side of things. That is a hell of a lot to catch up to on the street. If you want to try a "roll on" test with your mate it'll have to be on the "private" freeway at the 120+ end of the scale. The FG's run out of puff about the same time yours starts to find its legs - unfortunately for side by side testing anything legal has expired by that time
  2. You missed the boxing bag testicles gif he posted earlier? I was waving 'bye' as Dags asked us to do
  3. Rab

    The Bucket List

    Had a mate (22yo) I had the same situation with about 10 years ago - my dragon icon/pic thing is actually a tribute to him - photo of a tattoo converted to a jpg and made into my icon. I found it best at the time was to let him take the reigns - let him call the shots that he was able to do, wanted to do and could do. Some things he suggested seemed pointless - some things I suggested that I thought would be great had no interest from him All it really came down to was keeping him as happy as we could during the time he had left. Any bucket list "important, must do" things - he lost interest in - just wanted to spend time with family and friends. The main thing I worked out to do was not to treat/deal with him in any way other than I had before he became sick - he didn't want/need to be treated with kid gloves (sp?) or people pussy footing around - he wanted the people he knew and loved to be continuing to be themselves while they were around him. Farck - still can't believe it happened - there really is no rhyme nor reason to life. Engaged to be married, just had his 21st, clean bill of health, non smoker, occasional drinker and struck down with something so cruel - I really, really don't get it.
  4. You'll have him at top end - the small turbo is brilliant from 2k-4k revs - yours will outbreathe his at 4k up On the street he'll probably have you - you'll get him at the drags at the top end
  5. WPMO - got some naga jolokia pepper peanuts given to me Grabbed a handfull "this is getting a bit spicy, maybe some peanuts will smooth out the heat" I really didn't think that through
  6. Look Scotty - isn't my hand that is waving
  7. He's obviously got the cop chip
  8. Would kill for Telstra Cable - stuck with Optus (no phone lines)
  9. Mobile and cable internet I'd be happy to hear that about - ADSL I'd be sad
  10. Strangely enough NHASP, they seem to coincide
  11. On that thought http://onvaping.com/the-ultimate-list-of-studies-on-e-cigarettes-and-their-safety/
  12. Nothing wrong with that - no probs at all hearing about things like that It's the constant updates I'm getting every friggin day because those away think that because they're having a fat time that we should all be hearing about it. FFS - I got notice while I was out tonight that a couple were having fish and chips on a beach. Yesterday was one that another group caught some fish in a river and were going to cook it up for dinner. "Here's a tree I took a picture of" was another. Am so tempted to send them updates of my every move. My trip to the supermarket would be exactly as interesting and worthy of letting them know as what they're sending through to everyone. It's not jealousy or anything on my part - nothing like that, but the last thing I think of while I'm away is jumping on the computer to remind everyone else who isn't on vacation that I'm getting a tan. edit: I'm not just talking about them updating facebook or posting pictures etc - but actual messages that they are having to make a point to draw attention to as to their activities/vacation/travels
  13. Yep - pretty much They don't tell me the other 365 days a year their every move - much preferred it that way
  14. Bottom pic looks fine to me edit: meant the bottom pic of buggy looks fine - but the other bottom pic looks fine too
  15. WPMO: "Travel Blogs" Currently have 3 groups of friends travelling (separately) around Australia I really don't need daily updates on WTF your kids are doing a the different camp spots, how wonderful the landscape is or how many fish you caught that day. I sure as sh*t don't need a daily email letting me know that you've updated your blog page with more crap I'm not interested in. Am also pretty certain that the people leaving comments on your blog saying how wonderful you are and jealous they are don't really think you're wonderful and aren't really dying of envy. You're not a special snowflake doing something unique or of more than a passing interest to anyone not actually involved. Sure - I hope you have a great time away and have some awesome experiences and memories and enjoy hearing about some of them, but FFS - cut the strings to home and social media and have your holiday. We really don't need or want to hear about every friggin step of it in real time.
  16. I think you misread the instructions on the battery relocation kit.
  17. I think the page died in shame http://jalopnik.com/5032480/fierarri-enzo-pontiac-fiero for another look at the abortion
  18. Dry July ended this morning BiZkets - why wait til tomorrow?
  19. Pontiac Fiero Custom "its a real traffic stopper and head turner."
  20. I keep ordering them to be delivered to my post box. I keep getting the "We don't deliver to PO Boxes" emails I'm an idiot
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inhalant
  22. WMMFG: Collingwood Football Club popping up on my FB (friend must have made a comment or something) asking me to suggest and vote on their greatest moments. I don't think my suggestion of the 1970 Grand Final is going to get much support. Maybe I should add the 1979 Grand Final to the list
  23. Lol - have been guilty of that myself. Did you choose EMS for shipping?
  24. The light bits on the boot don't actually light up do they - are just reflectors that look like a continuation of the lights? Never saw the point of things like that and don't like them.
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