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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Have heard that argument/question quite often. In 30 years time the last thing I'm going to be worried about is some faded tatts or anyone who has an opinion about them They don't get a second thought already and weren't done for "body image" reasons, but for personal ones - can't see complaining happening because they got old with me
  2. Your TV viewing habits tend to agree there Don
  3. Am still blown away by the difference it's made. If I had to do my time over or was buying another FG I'd be doing this and upgrading the stock pads on the way home from the dealer - definite no-brainer. Those two items are how the cars should be leaving the factory stock.
  4. That was completed when he bought the Skoda, so maybe some HRT is required
  5. Hormone replacement therapy? Isn't that for menopause or when you want to change genders?
  6. Aren't adjusting the height (what you need to tool for) - am happy with where it is and would need a alignment done after changing it. What I am adjusting is the firmness in the shocks. Is just a knob/dial on top of the shock that twists clockwise/anticlockwise for firmer/softer. Pop bonnet - turn dial - front done. Haven't adjusted the rear yet - but would be the same - reach under car, turn dial - done
  7. Combination of overpayment and business losses carried forward - wrote a company off a few years ago with a lot of losses against it. Payed a bit more than normal on my PAYG drawing a normal wage but can now lower my wages and offset against the losses. Figured I might as well use them up now.
  8. WMMFG: Call from the accountant today - should be getting between $10k and $16k back from the tax man this year and haven't got any bills that I need to spend it on. Might do one of the bathrooms at home and brakes on the car
  9. You were driving it bunna?
  10. Not wrong there. Went through a very dark period about a decade ago - everything that could have gone wrong did. Every day was pushing against just about everything to keep afloat and not lose what little I did have left - one thing after the other just seemed to go wrong. At the end of it things seemed to turn around over a very short amount of time - everything was great, all issues had sorted themselves etc - except I had absolutely no idea how to be happy again. Kept waiting for the crap to happen like I had grown accustomed to. Took a long time before I could accept that the world didn't have it out for me anymore and it was OK to start enjoying things again
  11. There was a great vid I saw somewhere showing how too stiff/too loose effects the grip/contact patches on the road. I think they used a speed hump or corrugation for one example - too hard or too soft the contact was a lot less than one set up just right Same with body roll - needed a little to weight the tyres (I think that was the gist of it - vid was probably from here somewhere) Amazing the difference the surface makes too. 3 notches from soft was perfect for me on decent roads - far too firm over some roads I was on over the weekend - softened it a notch and was in heaven again. Was amazed at the difference even 1 click made - can be a very fine line
  12. https://www.udemy.com/blog/php-contact-form-with-validation/
  13. I don't think so Lennox, but it could explain it. Am sure I would have switched it to 1st, but in the muddle of staging I could have gone blank concentrating on other things.
  14. What Panda said. With only the 4 runs (and only one where I knew what the issue was) I didn't really have a chance to look at/think about what I was doing wrong. I'm thinking that I must have been holding the shifter in such a way that the jerk of the gear change caused me to move it enough to register as another shift. Am hoping that's the case at least - not sure what else it could be unless there's some fault in the unit somewhere.
  15. Yep - should have stuck with D for Dumb pricks
  16. Frustrating day for me at Calder yesterday. Only got 4 runs and was somehow double tapping the 1st-2nd gear change - sending it from 1st straight into 3rd. Happened on 1st run, 3rd run (when I realised what was happening) and then again on the 4th run when I was conscious of the mistake and trying not to. Think I'll need to change the way I shift through the gear - have no idea how I could be doing it, so will have to have a bit more of a play. - Stupid, stupid driver. Han never been a problem on the street, but I guess I'n not driving as hard on the street. That said - I did manage a PB on my second run (12.15) and got under the 2 second 60' on my 4th run - spewing I fluffed the gears on that one - would have been a great run. Think I've had enough of Calder for the time being - next trip will be to Heathcote.
  17. Rab

    The Bucket List

    Haven't met a single person that regrets having travelled instead of "saving for a home"
  18. So needs to be tuned for it? Is it something that can be on or off or is it a full time commitment? Windscreen wiper size bottle you need to keep full all the time or a 50l tank? Does it work with LPG? Remember - this is for dummies
  19. Punctuation. Putting capital letters where they should be. Full stops, line breaks and paragraphs. (this is the "Lets teach gunna and Keith to type" thread isn't it?)
  20. Hey guys, Stumbled across a whole subculture on the forum talking about water injection. I've got absolutely no idea what they are doing, but it seems pretty interesting. Is anyone able to give me the cliff notes and let me know if it's something that should be investigated further?
  21. Was waving my cock - no pics coz PG13 friendly forum
  22. Rab

    Easy 300Plus

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