Same amount of nutters as any other time, just that some of the current crop make better headlines and our media/internet etc brings it home quicker, stronger and more sensationalised. I don't (personally) feel in any greater danger than I did a decade ago, and have no increased worries as to the safety of my children. PLO and IRA were the monsters in the news back when I was at school - there'll always be some acronym group as the next one to worry about. Political correctness needs to go away and die as far as I'm concerned - so what if someone gets offended by something someone says. Not being able to call a spade a spade is far more damaging than having to hold back whats said in fear you may upset someone. Same doubly so in regards to communities and groups - so what if some group is up in arms over some comment made by someone else - the only "real" effect of that comment was to give you something to be up in arms about. Media needs to go back to journalism and reporting rather than click bait headlines where what someone ate on Big Brother is as valid a news article to them as real threat to lives because it gets them just as many views. For the rest - I think the government/armed forces/police will pretty much do the best they can to deal with real issues as they come along. Would be nice if we were allowed to ban nutters from politics, but we keep on voting them in. Every friggin election time there's a new one or two who theoretically shouldn't even know how to breathe without reminders or who really shouldn't be allowed to open their mouths. That said - I'm far more likely to be stabbed by some low life tweaking on ice than beheaded by one of the mentioned nutters because some idiot in another country posted a message on facebook.