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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Rab

    Reroute Obdii

    Hey guys, Just a quick question I keep forgetting to ask. Is there a simple way to reroute the OBDII port for easier access and to allow the fuse cover to be closed when a wifi/bluetooth adapter is connected? Do the right angle adapters/cables leave enough clearance for the cover to be closed?
  2. Once you're in the twisties and getting a bit of heat into the tyres the manual mode comes into play nicely
  3. Rab

    Finally Have A G6Et!

    I usually get them smoking when I do the 5-100-5km/h - repeat bedding in
  4. Was going to write something about it when I posted the link, but felt we'd given Skoda drivers too much of a hard time lately
  5. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/labgrown-penises-ready-for-testing-on-men/story-fnet0gt3-1227080894867
  6. Suspension and brakes will get you a far greater improvement in the car than any engine mods to the NA - will also be guilt free legally (if you apply common sense)
  7. Not good at all, but better than I was expecting.
  8. VPN can usually get around stupid region locks
  9. It's just the FIA media spokesman at the track speaking earlier saying he's been taken to hospital unconscious
  10. Count back to the position the cars were in on the last clear lap before the incident
  11. Haha guest • 2 days agoMy skoda would blow this off standing 400m. Sure it wasn't you? Maybe he just needs to define what he means by blowing it
  12. I think I broke the one at Crown Casino one night
  13. Might need to get the car to Ford to get them to sync it all up/unlock it?
  14. Works both ways - if anyone had any input for the problem they'd most definitely do what they could to help you out. Any off topic/light hearted chatter in the thread, while not actually getting to the root of your issue does continue to bump the top to the top of the lists - hopefully into the view of someone who does have an answer - someone who may not have read the post at all if it was buried underneath a couple of days worth of newer replies. This site is a community of lots of random people with a common interest inte cars we all share. as such there is both a wealth of knowledge and experience that is freely shared and also some quirkiness and flavours to the way some of us post and interact. Accept the community and it's ways and you'll likely get far more out of the site and forum than you'd ever expect to. Some things, however, can be something nobody online at the time has come up against - doesn't mean almost every person who's read it hasn't thought about the issue but drawn a blank. You could get a very detailed response tonight, tomorrow or next week that goes direct to the heart of the problem and offers an easy fix - just depends if the right person logs on, reads the post and decides to reply. edit: case in point ^^ - FPV Tranny just replied that he's in the same boat as yourself (not sure if confirmed or Tranny is just adding to the chatter), but he may well not have even seen the post if it hadn't been replied to with an off topic response from MattyP 40 minutes earlier. Almost definitely wouldn't have seen it if the topic had received no replies from when you posted it.
  15. Don has a heavy duty towbar for a reason
  16. Rab

    Autotech Tuned Fg

    You should definitely be wrapped and proud of what's been achieved The extra parts bolted on could well explain why it wasn't pulling stronger before remainder and the tune
  17. Rab

    Autotech Tuned Fg

    Not at all - should have worded the post differently. I do apologies if it looked like I was casting aspersions. Was late at night and a few beers down so wasn't wording my posts with much afterthought. Just saying the car was reading lower on the initial run than the 113mph pass would account for and that the final figure was probably about the correct output for the mods done indicating that the dyno isn't giving substantially lower results. Limp right foot was the wrong thing to suggest - could be any number of reasons for it.
  18. Rab

    Autotech Tuned Fg

    Could be manuals? Or S.A. rwkw What MPH were they getting gunna?
  19. This one "wins" (you are still talking about wraps?)
  20. Rab

    Finally Have A G6Et!

    Seems like you've got it under control (will stop trying to answer for you lol) You've definitely taken the reigns on this one and getting it sorted. Looking forward to seeing the resolution.
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