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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Maybe he meant he didn't get through that period without a wreck
  2. Knocked on the door yet to see if car is ready?
  3. They could have made the bottle pinker and got Thorpey to advertise it and it still wouldn't be as gay as what they have.
  4. Totally understand why they do it - and 99% of people probably won't even have an issue, won't notice or adapt pretty quick. Being able to take off quick isn't what I'm after (can do that already) - would just be nice if the throttle position felt intuitively correct for the first few positions (to me - probably feels perfectly fine for everyone else). Having to use a fair bit more throttle just to take off at a slightly brisk pace feels unnatural
  5. I think I know where the OP is coming from. Taking off from the lights with what should be normal pedal travel and the car is quite slow - it takes off about the same acceleration as a Camry driven by grandma. You need to actually use a fair bit more throttle than you'd expect to get off the line at a rate you'd be wanting to - still talking road/cruising/commuting driving style, not boy racer. Being able to ramp up the %'s a tad in the lower levels would get around that issue - fine tuning it so the amount you have the pedal depressed actually corresponds to the amount you feel it should be. Casual driving - my Pajero used to get off the lights a lot quicker with the little amount of right foot that feels natural for daily driving. I guess I'm in the same boat as the rollex - the amount of throttle that's given at the lower levels doesn't match what we're used to and expect. eg - to me a couple of cm's pedal travel (no idea how far, just using that as an example) feels natural for me to take off with. To get the power that feels natural to take off with I need to use a noticeable amount more pedal. It would indeed be nice to have the thing calibrated to the point that you get the power you expect at the position you expect.
  6. Vic exemptions here https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/your-ps/prohibited-vehicles-for-p-plate-drivers/exemptions-to-drive-a-prohibited-vehicle Your state may have different ones (if you're not in Vic)
  7. Headed to the Island Sat arvo - probably won't get to the track til the Sunday
  8. I had a VTR1000 a few years ago - absolutely loved it. Had a stock one for a few days as a loaner while my Blackbird was in the shop and wasn't really impressed with it. Next service I had the shop owners one that had pipes and sprockets changed and it absolutely transformed the bike - I knew then and there that one would be my next bike. Perfect for commuting - fun at any speed - just try to get one of the later models that have a larger tank (still pretty small)
  9. Front is growing on me - rear isn't Still haven't see one in the flesh though.
  10. Checking if that's why BizKets can't post pics
  11. Internet Explorer? Try Chrome or Firefox
  12. The link was never misunderstood after the first reference
  13. Kids in the loungeroom seeing who can make the most annoying sound. Goes quiet for about 20mins then one starts up again with the one they thought won.
  14. Ford the first into the 2.05's - Volvo close behind
  15. Windows tablet for the crapper wins
  16. Another "click while bored" game - making good use of it today at the office http://www.clickerheroes.com/
  17. They should be able to get their cards printed the correct way up - apprentice probably put the card stock in the printer upside down.
  18. Might have to make a pilgrimage back to the hill next year - looks like it'll be Fords last run at Bathurst
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