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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Is she driving the wrong way, into oncoming traffic?
  2. Just need someone with a bowls hat on the back shelf of their G6ET to make it complete
  3. Just purchased Had no choice given the description you gave
  4. Will totally depend on what revs are the best for you to be changing at for the different gears. Perf mode may let the car rev higher, but if you were better to have changed a little earlier then Drive may have been the better selection (for that gear at least) (basically it will depend on what change pattern matches the revs best for optimal shifting - depending on your tune)
  5. Very similar, except my feet were up and I was drinking beer while you guys removed the window and passed the couch through
  6. Cheers Paz. Got a quote incoming from a guy highly recommended - will chase up your one if I'm not happy
  7. That's what I keep saying about the looks of the Falcons vs the Commodores. Especially ones with bodykits. They're the ducks guts while they're a current model, but go back a few releases and they look so dated, The Fords don't seem to have the same problem. They might not be the most space age looking thing when released, but they also don't look like a 50yo tart wearing too much makeup and a mini skirt once they mature
  8. Talk about a whirlwind She kept it a total secret until Monday 2 weeks ago when I got called to her doctors office. Took her for her first proper checkup that night - bub was due Xmas Day. Friends and family got together last weekend and fully kitted absolutely everything that could possibly be needed - as in EVERYTHING Was dreading what was to come when I got the call and they had decided to do a c-section with a half hours notice. Everything was right with the world again when they presented a crying baby girl with 5 fingers, 5 toes and no tail. Walking beside the crib on the way to the nursery and she opened her eyes - my heart melted. Almost as much pressure as when my own was born.
  9. Couple of weeks ago my step son had a daughter Tonight it was my step daughters turn. Routine checkup at 5pm turned into a visit to the hospital at 7pm turned into an overnight stay turned into a 1:15am phone call "they're going to do a c-section" 2:40am I got to hold and cut the cord of the newest grand daughter. Welcome to the world Abby
  10. I think he's referring to the Doogie Howser pic above
  11. Oh wow - just hit me like a ton of bricks when I was reminded by ^^ IT'S FRIDAY Was the last thing on my mind - got an extra spring in my step now for the last hour or so before beer o'clock It usually works the other way - "ah crap, is it really only Wednesday - feels like it should be the weekend?"
  12. Will probably come down to how much fudging the other competitors to and how stringent the vote counting is on tampering
  13. I noticed it went up a few between the first one I did and the next one
  14. There's only a short timeframe where you can change the locks and/or move before the kids find their way back home from a crowded shopping center.
  15. Whenever I can't find something I wake up at 3am - "That's where I put the f*cker" Usually the day after I've bought a new one
  16. From http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/los-angeles-auto-show-range-rover-with-a-gun-holder-new-toyota-mirai-sedan-fuelled-by-garbage/story-fnjwucvh-1227128948863 But Australians shouldn’t get too excited about this one; a still-secret supercharged Shelby Mustang is due Down Under in about two years. Anyone know anything or heard anything about this?
  17. Keep it boxed - will make the next move easier
  18. Bet you didn't spend 10 minutes trying to get someone to tell you how to get the screen to turn back on before mentioning you'd dropped it What was the fix (if you fixed it)? New screen or loose wire or cracked board?
  19. 10 minute text conversation with my son's mate Started off: "The screen on my phone won't turn on, but the phone works" Ran him through the usual restart, clean the proximity sensor etc Concluded that maybe the screen is dead. . . . . "I dropped it - that's probably why" FARCK - Ya think?
  20. 3 more from me They seem to have tightened it up a little - told me I'd already voted when I tried again in Incognito
  21. Might be one of those rare, dickless recliners
  22. Yeah - this isn't an issue on tapatalk - moreso the double posts and signatures (which seem to have quietened down) Luckily less and less people are using IE, so it's quirks are becoming less and less disastrous http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
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