Will play this game. End of freeway - 70% went right, 30% left - left feed out road was crappy, single lane, gravel sides, no divider, not maintained 15km stretch. 100km/h zone - zero incidents - traffic flowed really well - 5 min travel time max during peak Improvements happened. Now it's dual lane, divided, freeway spec tar, break down lane etc 80km zone, clogged, regular speed cameras (only during the off peak when it's not clogged and empty) - 20 min travel time peak is a very good run - rear ender every other week I accept that times, traffic flow and population spread changes, but why the fsck am I getting pinged for doing 83 now on a Sunday arvo on a totally empty dual carriage way road that has zero pedestrian access in my ABS equipped, traction controlled modern vehicle when it was perfectly fine to drive down at 120km/h (giving the leeway at the time) when it was little more than a goat track a couple of decades ago in my drum braked, radial tired XR ute? And why the fsck is the camera always sitting on the stretch of empty road where not a single accident has ever happened, while 2 streets over there's an intersection that has 3 low speed incidents every week?