I know how you feel Panda - spent far too long thinking that was a "normal" way of life/relationship. Kids (3 and a toddler), brekkies, lunches dressed and ready to school before she even got out of bed and off to work for me, with her left with the toddler. Come home - tidy, laundry, dinner (when she gets off the couch from her afternoon nap), washing up, kids to bed, grocery shopping then getting grief coz it's now 10pm and I finally get a chance to relax and sit in the couch instead of heading to bed. - that was pretty much a normal day. My favorite was the time that I was told I get an hour and a half to myself each way on the commute into town and back and thus had it easy - she never got that time to herself....... And f*ck me if there wasn't hell to pay if I hung back at the office for extra time or completing outstanding jobs. Got to the point where if I mowed the lawn over the weekend it was part of some selfish plan to get myself out of the house :S