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Everything posted by Rab

  1. Yeah - was me. Pretty sure they'd have a lap counter and some pretty accurate timing setup. Got this setup on the computer at my place for race control edit: got a dozen or so people over for the Mayweather/Pacqiaou fight tomorrow - dare say the track will get a bit of a workout.
  2. I've got no idea why you would have muted the volume there
  3. WMMFG: Haven't seen much of the mates for a while so decided to send out a text "Mayweather/Pacquiao fight - my place - sat - 11am onwards" Got a decent response so found a nice brisket to chuck on the smoker friday night. Going to be a good day.
  4. redtube, youporn, pornhub, xvideo, pornbusters and [censored] won't all watch themselves
  5. Is "like long" a softer version of "love long time"?
  6. Sitting on a constant 60fps with vsync on - 80-90fps with it off, but has tearing. Most things on ultra/very high. (980gtx SLI, but CPU/MB is a few years old now) Am happier though about it's use as the office/work screen - it's large enough that everything is a good size without having to scale things up and gives me more useable screen realestate that the 2 28" screens did Could have maybe 4 apps open over the 2 screens before (each using a half screen) - now I can easily have 6 open on the one screen.
  7. Just got my new 4k 40" monitor. Replaces my 2 28" ones. Perfect size for 4k - no need to scale and everything is the right size. (Plus GTA V looks awesome) As big as it is - I've got a heap more deskspace now.
  8. And ooh yay - they were rehabilitated. Give me a freaking break - am pretty sure if I was locked away in a foreign prison I'd quickly become a model prisoner too. Would almost guarantee that if they were arrested in Australia after the plane landed rather than before it took off they'd probably be out of jail by now and more likely than not menacing society again.
  9. My only issue is with the time it took before the sentence was carried out and the futile glimmers of hope the guys were given along the way - to me that's the real torture. Not withstanding due process and chances of appeal etc - a bullet in the back of the head once sentencing was over would have been far cleaner.
  10. The hills were the highlight - fantastic day/drive - that and the Mexican dinner (oh - and the company) And Don - wtf - you gave up and got facebook?
  11. Finally got the track all set up. Just need to hook the lappy in and the fun begins :D Might be a few beers tonight having a play if I can get the kids off it.
  12. I think the vinyl through the window, off cuts on the floor and the masking tape holding it on would suggest more a case of "let's see what it's look like in cammo" Obligatory pic:
  13. Was the first link I followed when I googled " 60" dumb tv " Am sure others will turn up
  14. Would a projector be out of the equation? or http://www.necdisplay.com/p/large--screen-displays/e654
  15. Hadn't realised how gaunt he'd gotten til they showed some vids from the last couple of years
  16. Just got an email from JB saying the 6 and 6 edge are now available if anyone was looking edit: NVM - checked the link and it says "Awaiting Stock" Makes the subject of the email a little dodgy: Samsung Galaxy S6 | S6 edge - Available Now at JB Hi-Fi.‏
  17. Just saw my first one in the wild - only saw the rear. Badge placement on the boot is shocking - they'd be gone before I drove one out of the dealer
  18. Ah yep - forgot that he'd be running the small rotors at the moment.
  19. Tech support via FB for a mate of my son's (15yo) Nuff: "How can I tell if I have a GPU?" Me: "Can you see stuff on the screen?" Nuff:"Yep" Me: "You have a GPU" . . . . Nuff: "Which one do I have?" . . . Me: "............" edit: he has a lappy and the game is bugging out - I should learn to ask "What's wrong and what do you want to be different?" Hour later - turning down a setting in the games option sorted it all out
  20. No argument here - brakes are my bugbear T3 might be overkill was all I was suggesting - T2's with decent fluid and pads "may" suffice edit: hell - stock rotors with decent pads and fluid may suffice
  21. 100% - this is now the correct place to post your project. Let Ralph know what you want the title to be and he should be able to update it
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